Thank you all for sending encouraging words while I bumbled my way through this week. Clearly my transition from stay-at-home mom to part-time working mom will not be a seamless one. While I clearly failed to make a glowing impression, “they” certainly made a winning impression on me. And I’m proud to say (finally) that it is my honor to be representing Chiquita Brands as a Charter Chiquita Mom.
What’s a Chiquita Mom, you ask? Well, I’m sure you are all familiar with the famous Chiquita Banana. And, yep, you’ll be hearing me praise the Chiquita banana in all shapes and forms. And not just because I like bananas and Chiquita is paying me to write about them.
After training, I’ve become enlightened. The Chiquita banana is more than just your friendly yellow fruit. It’s tasty, yes. But Chiquita is a responsible company. They respect the environment. They respect their employees world-wide. They seemed to respect me even after I passed out and confessed my non-twitterness.
But more than our love for bananas, being a Chiquita mom means that we want to live healthy lifestyles. We want our families to embrace healthy lifestyles. We want to expose our families to fresh foods; and we want to set good examples to our children and the other moms in the community.
Sounds like a lot of pressure right? Well here’s the good news. We also want to share and laugh together. Because, if there’s anything I’ve learned about being a (Chiquita!) mom it’s that the best info you’ll ever get is from fellow moms, and the best way to get through the day, whether good or bad, is to find a way to laugh about it. Lord knows I’ve had more than a few opportunities to laugh at myself these last few days.
I’m very proud to call myself a Chiquita Mom, and I’m hoping to bring y’all along for the ride. What’s in it for you? Beyond getting another opportunity to get to read my ramblings, you’ll also be exposed to additional Chiquita mom-bloggers. They have a tremendous wealth of knowledge to share – regarding Chiquita bananas and probably some non-banana related material as well.
You’ll also get a chance to engage with moms from around the country. You’ll be able to share your stories, ask questions, give advice, swap recipes and encourage fellow moms along their parenting journey. I’ve loved engaging with my readers here on Charlotte Mom Favorites. Please join me on the Chiquita Moms Site. It’s going to be fun. It’ll be rewarding. And I’ll probably do a few more embarrassing things that will make you feel better about yourself.
What’s better than that? Check back soon when I’ll be providing you with the link for priority access to the site. VIP access… I know, it’s been a long time since our sweat pants wearing, pony tail donning selves have had VIP access! But it’s yours. Fo’ free! Sadly, bottle service isn’t part of the deal. (You know what else is sad? That instead of vodka drinks coming to mind, I thought of infant formula. That’s the bottle service I could use these days!)
Yep, I’m a mom. A Chiquita mom!
Thank you for reading CMF and sending me virtual hugs this week; it means more to me than you could possibly know! I look forward to sharing the Chiquita Moms link soon.
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