{Fantastic Recipe for DIY Brownie Mix + Printable Label!}
I had an oh-crap moment this afternoon. It involved me forgetting that I was supposed to drop off bake sale goodies for Will’s preschool fundraiser. Oops.
Fortunately, the bake sale isn’t until Sunday. Unfortunately, Will’s last day of pre-school for the week was yesterday. Which means, not only did I need to whip up something on the fly, I also now have to make a special trip to drop them off tomorrow. Ugh.
I love food. I love to cook. Baking though? It’s just not my thing. Probably, because I’m not super-awesome at it. I burn cookies and over-mix batter. I just can’t help it. So, obviously, baking for a large group of people (as in this bake sale), is not my forte.
Some of you may think of this as cheating the system. I think it’s brilliant. But my new go-to for bake sales? DIY Bake Mixes. I just bypass the whole baking business by prepping the mix and slapping on a label with instructions. They sell for more than individually wrapped cookies, plus when they get burned in the pan, it’s no longer on me! Win – Win!
Last year I made cookies. This year, I happened to have a lot of cocoa powder on hand. I got a little over-zealous around Valentine’s Day when prepping hot cocoa mixes. So…. Brownie mix it is! This was hands-down the easiest thing I’ve ever made for a bake sale, and it’s also just a really darn good mix to have on hand; the brownies (when you don’t over mix or over bake them) are fabulous. They are also great if you mix in white chocolate chips and/or chopped nuts.
If you don’t have a bake sale coming up (lucky you!), these also make great little holiday gifts, teacher gifts, and hostess gifts. Instead of a baggie, put the mix in a mason jar with some ribbon. Voila!
You can get the recipe from Crazy for Crust here. I love the idea of making it in bulk and keeping it on hand too. Never know when a chocolate craving will strike!
I made a quadruple batch, which gave me 7 mixes for the 9×9 pan size. If you end up making these as gifts, copy and save this image and print them off on labels!
Loved the idea! what dry ingredients go into the recipe ?
You can get the recipe here: http://www.crazyforcrust.com/2014/07/best-homemade-brownie-mix/
I love this idea for a bake sale! What size plastic storage bags did you use for these?