Celebrate your pet this holiday season with this easy recipe DIY Pup Paw Salt Dough Ornaments. It’s so easy, Katie can do it! 🙂
Oh sweet girl, the sweet girl. Molly is nearing 14 years old by now and is still my constant companion during the day. While my crazy boys are at school, activities and busy little bees, my Molly hangs out with me during photo shoots, curls up on her bed in my office while I’m writing and generally stays by my side.
But, let’s be honest, in this household, it’s usually the squeakiest wheel that gets the oil. And by squeaks I mean screaming, crying, and work deadlines, and by oil I mean all of my energy. Especially during the busy days of the holiday season.
Which is why I felt a little sad when I was going through my ornament collection the other day and realized that I couldn’t find Molly-girl’s paw print ornament from years ago. I don’t know if it got lost in the move, broke at some point, or got left on the tree one year… regardless it was gone. She may be the least squeaky wheel in the house, but gosh-darnit, she’s got to have an ornament on the tree. Time to make another batch of dough for new DIY Pup Paw Salt Dough Ornaments.
Since we all know I’m not much of a crafter, you can safely assume that this is easy-peasy.
Combine 2 cups of flour, 1/2 cup of salt and 3/4 cup of warm water. Mix together to form a loose ball, and then knead on a floured countertop for 8-10 minutes or until the dough is completely smooth. Add a little bit of flour if too sticky or a little bit of water if too crumbly.
Roll the dough out to 1/3″ thickness (or so), then cut into the shapes you desire. Use cookie cutters for holiday shapes or simply use a can or a bowl to get clean circles. Cut holes for the ornament hooks using a straw.
Place on a cookie sheet with parchment, then if doing paw prints, assist your pup while pressing his/her paw firmly into the dough. I offered Molly a DentaLife dog treat to coax her into submission. 😉
Bake the ornaments at 200 degrees Fahrenheit for four hours, then allow to cool completely (overnight) on a cookie rack.
Paint your paw print in with acrylic paints in whatever color you choose, and also paint the edges for a clean look.
Once the acrylic paint is dry, use a clear sealant for extra shine. Allow that to dry, then hang ‘er up!
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I make salt dough ornaments with the kids, but I never thought to do it with the pets- these turned out great! #client
How long do you have to press the paw in? Ty.