I just got back from a milestone doctor’s appointment. I’m now two months post-surgery and nearly three months post-baby. My body is beginning to feel like normal, a new normal, but I’ll take what I can get. And… I’ve been officially cleared for exercise. This both makes me happy and bummed. I want to be healthy and fit back into my pre-pregnancy pants, but come on…!!! Like I needed one more thing to do.
The timing however, is probably pretty good. With the cooler weather, I know there’s gonna be some germs up in this house! And, with a newborn – we’re going to have to go on the offensive. So, time to focus on healthy habits and keep the germ monsters at bay… Here’s my action plan.
5 Winter Survival Tips for Moms
1. 30 minutes minimum of cardiovascular exercise, 5 times a week! I have an elliptical machine in my house, so that’s where I’m going to start. Eventually, I hope to get more time and stamina to start my running routine again, but I think this is a good place to start.
2. Supplements! I’ve never gone off of my prenatal vitamins, because I’m nursing, but I’m stepping it up even more so for these cold winter months. I’m taking a daily multi-vitamin and Vitamin D, plus I’ve added a Vitamin C supplement. I’m not sure if they “work” in fighting illness or not, but what the heck – better safe than sorry!
3. Hand washing! Duh, right? I’m going to be a little over the top about washing hands throughout the day, every day. With the boys coming and going all day long, I can’t control what they are exposed to while they’re doing their daily grind, but you can bet I’ll be having the kids sing the Happy Birthday song or the ABC’s to make sure they are washing their hands thoroughly.
4. Healthy meals! I’ve got tons of veggie-loaded, protein-packed comfort meals that are great go-to’s during for the next few months. Find them here:
Follow Mom Favorites {Katie}’s board Tried and True Recipes on Pinterest.
5. Teach coughing and sneezing social etiquette! Coughs go into elbows. Sneezes go into tissues. It seems basic, but my (big) kids could each probably use a refresher.
What else are you doing to stay healthy this season? Vaccinations? Hand sanitizer? Hibernating?
Great health tips for the winter. Thank you for these great ideas. I would love for you to check out my linkup http://faithfilledparenting.com/2016/01/faith-filled-parenting-linkup-party-5-2/