Everyone has heard of the couch to 5k running program, right? Well I need a running to jogging stroller-running program. After much research I found there isn’t one. Today I am going to share with you some of my research on running with a jogging stroller.
Let’s start with safety. Jogging strollers are not safe for babies under 6 months old. They do not have enough head support. Some jogging strollers do come with car seat attachments allowing you to begin earlier than 6 months, as the car seat will offer extra stabilization. At 16 months old, we still have to watch my son in the stroller, his head still hits the side with the occasional bump and it doesn’t feel good!
Do not take your hands off the stroller. It may seem easier to push the stroller ahead a little so you can use your arms for running. Not a good idea. The stroller could easily get away. Our stroller also has a wrist strap we wear that is attached to the stroller. This provides extra security in the event you lose control of the stroller.
Lock the front wheel while running. Some jogging strollers come fixed with a locked wheel; others give you to option of locking and unlocking the front swivel wheel. It is safest to run with the wheel locked. This will prevent the stroller from suddenly turning which could cause you to lose control and crash.
Finally, make sure your child is securely strapped in the harness. This might sound obvious, but you need to make sure the harness fits snugly. This will keep the child from bouncing around too much and also prevent him from reaching out and getting fingers caught in the wheels.
Now onto the HOW. I got pregnant while training for a marathon. So running has always been part of who I am. That being said, I was absolutely against buying a jogging stroller to begin with. I would watch mothers or fathers run hunched over a jogging stroller. That couldn’t possibly be good for your body! Posture is so important for any kind of running; keeping your body upright is less stress and work for your back, it also allows you to get more oxygen into your lungs.
I have found the easiest way to maintain my posture while running, it to keep one hand on the stroller. By keeping one hand on the stroller, I can swing the other arm. By doing this I am simulating natural running movement.
Now that you feel prepared to run, don’t forget about the baby. He will be exposed to the elements. Use sunscreen and hats in the summer and dress him warmly in layers in cold or damp weather. Jogging strollers come with plenty of storage, so it should not be a problem to pack diapers, wipes, water, snack, toys… all the necessities.
Lastly, schedule your runs wisely. Like a car, the movement of the stroller is likely to lull the baby to sleep. Running before a naptime is always good. Do not try to run right before mealtime when your child is likely to be hungry and fussy. Also make sure it is a time when he has had activity so he will be willing to sit in the stroller.
Visit briananddawnfudge.blogspot.com for more great posts from Dawn!
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