At a recent playdate (a.k.a Toy Relocation Event), a book that had lived permanently on bookshelves found it’s way onto Graham’s reading chair. Don’t ask me how. I (or Graham, rather) had gotten The 20th Century Children’s Book Treasury as a baby shower present. Lovely. I really thought so. And it did look very lovely on the bookshelf. Which is where it has lived for the last three years.
I’m so glad to have discovered it though! It literally has EVERY awesome children’s book in it. With pictures! I’ve begun to read him the stories before nap time and bed. Most are short and I read one or more, depending on his (and my) tiredness level. I know he’s interested in the stories, but most importantly, so am I.
Might be a good present if you know anyone in the little kid category. Chances are, if you’re reading this blog, you might fit into that demographic. Available at for $25 with free shipping. Stories include Goodnight Moon, Guess How Much I Love You, Where the Wild Things Are, Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day, Curious George and more.
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