As a “yankee” transplant to Charlotte, I’ve fully immersed myself into the Southern culture. There are some things I’m still getting used to (like saying y’all and considering mac & cheese a veggie), but other things were just plain better, right from the start.
1. Harris Teeter will deliver your milk. Long story short, they forgot to put the milk in my car one day. (Yes, they help you out to your car, and no you don’t have to tip them. I’m still trying to wrap my NY brain around that one.) I called the store, and no questions asked, they brought the milk out to my house within 10 minutes. When I tried to show the employee my receipt, he smiled and said, “That’s not necessary ma’am. Sorry about that again.” I was still looking at him dumbfounded as he told me to have a nice day. Um, that would happen in New York……never.
2. People give you directions. Last fall, I needed directions while I was in New York City. I was pregnant, pushing a stroller, decently-dressed and it was daytime. In other words, I aroused fear in no-one. I innocently asked a well-dressed man for directions. He looked at me like I had two heads and picked up his pace. Then, I approached a woman and asked her for directions. Identical response. It took me asking four times (and having one profanity mumbled at me – I kid you not) before someone – a tourist – pointed me in the right direction.
By contrast, I was walking downtown, er, “uptown” Charlotte looking for a specific building. The first person I asked for directions not only gave them to me, but actually walked out of her way to show me where to go. She even told me my baby was cute. Gotta love the South!
3. No one honks. At first, Charlotte drivers infuriated me the way they patiently waited for the car in front of them to realize the light was green. Then, just the other day, I was running across the middle of a busy street as the light changed. I braced myself for what was to come, and lo and behold – no one honked at me. Or started cursing. I could get used to this peaceful coexistence among fellow drivers and pedestrians. Come to think of it, the only time I ever do hear horns honking in Charlotte, it’s me. Honking at you. Because you are letting a pedestrian cross when clearly, your light is green.
4. Decreased fear of personal theft. This past summer, I was in Central Park with a friend. We had a nice picnic, and I decided to take my boys to play on a nearby swing set. I left my diaper bag where I could still see it on my blanket about 5 yards away. My friend looked at me like I had lost my mind. “You’ve gone soft!” she exclaimed with disappointment. She proceeded to remind me how you can’t even leave your smart phone in your stroller cup while pushing your stroller or someone will take it and run.
In Charlotte, I leave my diaper bag a full 20 yards away on the playground, barely in view while my boys and I play on the baseball field. I guess I have gone soft. And I like it.
5. Nothing smells like urine. That’s right. Barring the inside of my Diaper Champ and my left shirt sleeve (don’t ask), the entire city of Charlotte seems to smell urine-free. It’s something you natives probably take for granted. Don’t.
Dear New York,
I’m sorry I had to write this. I really am. I want you to know that like all most of my exes, you do have some great qualities or we never would have been together for as long as we were. Maybe this is my way of helping myself get over you. Deep down, I guess I always knew I would leave you for someone more…polite. I hope you can understand. I may have gone soft, but you’ll always be a part of me.
Love, Heather
**Awesome Top Five list by Heather, don’t y’all think? 🙂 Having not lived anywhere else, I’m kind of biased, but I do think Charlotte is the best place on Earth, at least to raise a family. Do you have a Top Five list you’d like to share with us? I’d love to post it to Charlotte Mom Favorites! Send me your idea or list to:!**
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