I’m not exactly a pushover. Ask Katie. In high school, when my girls and their friends wanted to do something, the other parents would always ask if I had said yes. I was always the “strict” mom, the one who held out for chaperones on the spring trip, who set the earlier curfew, who restricted the car use. My daughter Angie once called me “The Warden”! In fact, she still reminds me of how “mean” I was. I like to point out that this is why she and her sister have turned out so terribly.
Now it’s Katie’s turn. She has two happy, playful boys. I wouldn’t call her strict, but three-year-old Graham is expected to remember his manners, answer in full sentences, and be respectful. One-year-old Will has learned that he is not allowed to pull himself up in the tub. Neither are whiners. Mom and dad rule gently, but firmly.
Katie has told Graham how his village works. At home, mom and dad are the bosses, but at Grandma’s house, there are special rules. Here are some of The Warden’s favorites:
Yes, you can have steak and ice cream.
No, you don’t have to eat your vegetables.
Yes, we can watch one more episode of The Backyardigans, even if it’s bedtime.
Mind your manners.
Be respectful.
I love being part of the “village” raising Graham and Will, and will do my part, but I don’t sweat the small stuff. My warden days are over.
**A note from Katie: Um yes, my mom was strict. But, I always knew how she would react if I did something wrong, and I also knew I would have the earliest curfew of my friends. I had one friend whose mom set her curfew by tacking on 30 minutes to whatever mine was. That didn’t make me happy as a senior in high school, but I also never really got into too much trouble.
Yes, she was sometimes a warden, but we loved her. Thanks for being such a great role model, mom (a.k.a. the Modern Grandma)!**
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