I’ve just wrapped up my second Vegan week, and you know… I’m kinda liking it! It’s a sacrifice, for sure, but I feel better for it. I don’t feel as sluggish when I run, I don’t feel as “heavy” after eating, and my conscience feels better knowing that no animals are suffering for my meal choices.
Four weeks ago when I embarked on my first vegan week, I was hungry. All of the time. I was hungry when I woke up, after exercising, and even shortly after eating a meal. I don’t think I had a good balance of food, and wasn’t eating the proper amount of fats and protein. For me, those two things are the biggest challenge in the vegan diet.
This week, I managed to always feel full. I incorporated more starches into my meals (lovin’ some sweet potatoes these days). I found that soy yogurt is WAYYYY better than almond yogurt, and I found a way to solve the sweet cravings: Almond Dream “Ice Cream” sandwiches. Yum.
For dinner, I think my favorite dish was the Braised Spinach and Chickpeas in Coconut Sauce over Sweet Potatoes. Dang, that was good, and great as leftovers too. I think I may have licked the bowl on that one.
So, yeah, I’m gonna keep my once a month vegan-ism tradition. But today, oh yes, today I plan to eat some cheese. Sorry momma cows, but I’m sure looking forward to it.
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