Dear Graham,
My boy. My sweet, innocent, scarily-clever, ever-inquisitive, and oh-so adorable, boy. You are my smiles and laughs and sometimes my frustrations. But, always, always, you are my heart. In your four years you have become the most delightful boy a mother could ask for.
Just two days ago we were walking into the park, you grabbed my hand and looked at me with your deep brown eyes, “Mommy, I love you as high as all of the slides in all of the parks.” Wow.
Later, when you couldn’t go to sleep, you wandered out to me and your daddy. “Mommy, Daddy. I can’t sleep. I have a question. What happens to fish when it snows?” I told you that they swim down below the snow. “But, Mom. What if they aren’t fast enough? They’ll get stuck!” Right you are my friend. Stuck ’til summer, I said. What a smarty pants.
The other day, you were riding in the car with your dad. “Dad. I have a serious problem.” Your dad became concerned and told you not to worry, that together you could figure it out. “Tell me your problem, Graham,” he implored. “Dad, what’s on top of the clouds?” Serious problem, indeed.
Your questions, jokes and testaments of love are the joys of my day. I know that one day your dad and I won’t have all of the answers for you. One day, you won’t want to ask us anyways. And one day, you’ll probably be too embarrassed to show me your feelings. But now, now I relish being the all-knowing authority in your world and the recipient of your adoration.
And just so you know: I love you… through and through. Yesterday, today, and tomorrow too.
Happy Birthday my Dear Boy,
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