With school starting for many of you this week, you have probably taken a recent inventory of your child’s closet. We have a middle schooler for the first time this year, and I am quickly learning more about fashion for that age group than I care to know.
Luckily, I think my daughter is still clueless when it comes to caring what others are wearing! I’m a little (ok, A LOT) late on packing away Summer clothes and preparing for the Fall wardrobe. My younger daughter came into my room yesterday with the “I don’t have anything to wear” complaint. I blew it off at first, then realized she’s probably right.
She grew a couple inches over the Summer and many of her pants do not fit anymore. That’s when I discovered Belle Bottoms. It’s one of those cool ideas that I wish I had thought up. It’s simply iron-on pant extenders! While I’m sure people must buy them for the simple adorable embellishment, for me they were the answer I was looking for!
My daughter is a creature of comfort. She loves her soft, worn-in jeans and they still all fit her in the waist, but scan your eyes downward and she was wearing high-waters. These adorable iron-on cuffs are the perfect solution. I am so excited to have found them! I am constantly amazed at the ingenius ideas coming out of mommy’s brains these days.
So daughter #2 will be fashion-ready this Fall with her “Bedazzled Belle Bottomed” jeans… and daughter #1 has a style all her own. I love that she incorporates the trends with her personal tastes, and never compromises by trying to be someone she’s not. I love that her sense of style is her own, and that she rarely notices what others are wearing or what brand is what.
Does that come after middle school? Or am I in for it this year?
Do you have any smart fashion tips for back to school this year? What are some of the trends your children are telling you about or asking you for? How important is style/fashion to your child? I would love to hear your answers!
Keep cool,
Lily Winnail
Lily is the lady behind Padalily! The fabulous infant car seat cushions! Have any comments, feedback, or topics that you’d like to see Lily give advice on? Leave a comment below! She’ll be answering any questions you have and would love to hear what you’d like to see her blog about!
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