You know what sucks? Typing with one hand. Know what I’ll be doing for the next month? Yep, you guessed it! The one-hand peck of the computer keys as I write out each blog post. It’s pure torture. How did this happen? Let me peck it out for you:
“Hey Hon,” my husband prodded Saturday morning, “Just so ya know, I’ll hate you forever if you don’t go on a bike ride with the family right now.” He didn’t actually say that, but it was definitely implied. “Ok, but I’m not happy about it,” I grumbled back. I hadn’t ridden a bike since before getting pregnant with Will, and Jonnie wanted me to put Will in the kiddie chair on the bike with me. I was nervous.
I started out wobbly, but quickly re-acclimated to the bicycle; it was fun to have a happy baby on the bike with me, and the wind blowing in my face felt great. I was enjoying myself, but didn’t want to push my rookie luck. After a brief ride, I told my husband I wanted to return home to rest up for a long run I had planned later in the day.
I pedal into the driveway and my husband says, “You look great on the bike!” Mere seconds later as I attempted to get off the bike, I lost my balance.
When I put my first foot down, I didn’t account for the extra weight of the baby to be added to the weight of the bike. I didn’t brace for it. And we all went crashing down. I braced the fall with my wrist; apparently that was a bad decision.
Will cried and was certainly startled, but because he was wearing a helmet and was properly installed in his bicycle seat, remained unscathed. I, on the other hand, immediately knew something was very, very wrong. I went in and iced my wrist, but once the swelling started to get freakish, demanded Jonnie take me to the hospital.
After hours of waiting and two rounds of x-rays, I learned that I broke the largest bone in my wrist, and to heal will require a cast for at least a month. Crappity crap crap. How will I pick up my baby? Put my kids in car seats? Make a meal for my family? Fill a sippy cup with milk? Clean my house? Shower? Fold laundry?
Yep, I’m screwed. I’m sure I’ll figure some of this stuff out, but right now? Right now, I’m feeling sorry for myself. Know this: There will be typos. I may have a slight stink about me. My kids and I may not be able to button our clothes. I am, however, oh-so grateful for my friends and family that have offered to help me and my boys out. We are so appreciative and will likely be taking you up on your offers!
Sorry to hear this. Your story reinforces what I had heard about trailers being safer. Will be biking Kiawah in just a few weeks and will remember your cautionary tale. Thanks for sharing.
Holy Ouch! Hope there are good pain meds involved!
Did you take the cast off?Hope you feel better and dont have any pain.