You are the Master of Legos and Barbie Extraordinaire.
You find yourself reading Peter Pan to a four-year-old at 6 AM.
You have the basic skills of a nurse, short-order cook, tailor, chauffeur, coach, and teacher.
You understand the Toddler Wake-Up Call: the plastic toy smack to the face while you are deep in sleep.
Your house is a constant obstacle course of toys, laundry baskets and kids.
You often find small makeup items under rugs, couches, and beds courtesy of the Beauty Relocation Program founded by your toddler.
You understand that eating out can be harder than cooking in.
You consistently find your toilet in the un-flushed stage.
Your dishwasher is always full. Even though you just unloaded it.
Your laundry basket is always full. Even though you just washed the clothes.
You live on coffee.
You thrive on wine.
You cannot get enough sleep.
You are a super mom.
Even if it doesn’t always feel like it.
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