I get it that no one wants to read about leftovers this morning any more than they want to eat leftovers, but as they are the necessary evil of living on a budget, let”s just do it. Band-Aid style, quick and painless, I”ll get it over with.
I do believe there is this secret underground cult of people who actually like eating leftovers. The ones who make a whole big pot of “something” and eat off it all week. Ugh. And then those who take leftovers from one thing and refashion it into something else. Enjoy it twice or something. My hat goes off to you people. You get a gold star in budgeting for the day.
I am not those people. I understand that some things, like anything with a tomato sauce, taste better after being refirgerated a day or two. For some reason anything The Man makes on his grill (we are charcoal purists) seems to taste better the next day too. But I already ate that. I saw this movie; I know how it ends.
Hmm, a leftover epiphany. But I won”t share. It involves diapers, and the suggested end of the movie. Yeah, maybe that”s why.
The Man is responsible for leftovers around here. Hurrah! Remember that cult I mentioned? He might be part of it. Or… maybe he just likes that I have already painstakingly read every label on every ingredient to check for Mono-Sodium-Glutamate, and Xan-tham Gum, and he knows he can eat this food without a Crohn”s inflicted digestive epedemic. And you know what else? He takes William Hill rewards you just for being a loyal player and all you need to do is play your favourite real money casino games to receive the incredible VIP benefits offered at William Hill Casino. said leftovers to work. He eats the same meal, but at a different table, with different faces. Maybe that”s why I don”t like them. I”m scared if I open the leftovers, then “I Got You Babe” will start playing on the radio, and the groundhog will see his shadow and the whole day will repeat itself over, and over, and over again. (I”ve seen that movie about 60 times and I don”t know that I”ve ever seen the end. Or I can”t remember it. Or it is just doesn”t end?)
If I have a lot leftover of any given meal, I freeze it as a family size portion, and we all get to see the same movie again next week.
How about I make a point about leftovers now?
I made this Pinterest dish the other night, Pesto Chicken Shells. Please get the recipe from the original blogger, and check out my other Pinterest recipes .
Sometimes I buy a big pack of chicken breasts and throw them in the crock pot. I shred the chicken and separate into recipe size portions to use through the week or even freeze. I used some chicken I had prepared this way for the stuffed shells. And I made the pesto from my garden, and a random variety of nuts I had in the pantry. I think there were some Pine Nuts involved. I also subbed half the cream cheese for Greek Yogurt. Cream Cheese isn”t so bad really, but I”m the President of the Greek Yogurt Fan Club, so I had to make the substitution. I apologize for not including the total cost, but you can be assured if I made it, it was cheap. I”m working on about $20 a day for 3 meals for 4 people. We”re not having lobster.
Dinner was GOOD. Want to know how good? I had nine leftover stuffed shells, split them into a container of 4 and 5, and I ate the 5 for lunch the next day!
What do you think about leftovers? Love “em or Leave “em? What”s your favorite meal for planned leftovers? Send me your thoughts; let”s make leftovers fun again!!
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