I know I’ve been asking a lot of y’all lately. Vote for me here. Follow me there. Click here. Yes, I know. I’m demanding. (But, I do really, really want that fashion blogging gig!!!) There, is however, one thing that I’ve asked of you this week that doesn’t benefit me. Taking the Sergeants Pet emBark on Pet Health Pledge. Sure, I was compensated and got a few goodies from the deal, but I don’t get paid a darn thing if you take the pledge. I’m just asking you to do it, because it’s an awesome thing to do.
For every person that takes a pledge, Sergeant Pet donates one of these kits to the American Humane Association. These kits will go to the millions of animals awaiting there forever homes.
The sweet pups deserve a nice bath and little treat at the end of their day. Don’t ya think? So, if you please, visit this link.
All you have to do is fill out a very short and sweet form. Then voila. A dog gets a kit. You get a $3 coupon. I smile. Thanks y’all. I appreciate all of your support.
Have a very lovely Easter holiday (if that’s your thing). If not, just enjoy the weekend.
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