It’s official: the house is on the market. Anyone looking for an awesome home in South Charlotte? Give me a buzz. I’ve got the home for you! 😉 I’m hoping we’ll find a home that will replace my sadness for leaving this house that I’ve become so fond of. When we do, the stress of not knowing where we are going to move to will be replaced with the stress of packing up this house and relocating every item we own across town. Which is why I was super duper intrigued to learn about Unpakt, a price comparison site for moving services. You can bet I’ll be taking advantage of the Unpakt promo code in this email and using the tips as outlined below!
Moving can be crazy; moving with kids can be a nightmare. Pack the toys, don’t forget the bikes, enroll in the new school, and so much more. It’s stressful!
Cue, a price comparison site for moving services, where you can find reputable moving companies in Charlotte, compare prices and reviews, and book online. Instantly!
You’ll never have to repeat your inventory over and over… and over again! And, to ease the pain even further:
Exclusively for Mom Favorites readers, get $50 instant cash back on your next move! Enter promo code: MOMFAV when booking your move and save! Expires 6/30/13.
Unpakt has compiled a list of tips to help move your children from one home to another with ease.
1. Contact the new school prior to moving – Make sure all paperwork for your child, such as immunization forms, have been completed and provided to the school. Additionally, consider asking for a tour of the school with the child’s new teacher to help your child get acclimated.
2. Change your address before you move – It will take some time for all of your mail to be sent to your new address. Making the change ahead of time will ensure you receive your mail after you move.
3 Book your move early – Hiring a moving company will make your move quicker and more efficient. For help, consider Unpakt to help you make the transition. You can worry about the children and let your movers worry about the rest.
4. Subscribe to/pick up the town paper – Local papers carry great information about recreational activities for children as well as family events in town. Pick out some fun things to do and sign up for to get your child excited about moving to a new town. This will also allow them to meet other children in the neighborhood.
5. Don’t pack important papers and documents into random boxes – Keep documents such as birth certificates, closing papers, credit card information, etc. on hand so you can easily access them at all times, particularly if any documents must be provided to your child’s school district for enrollment.
6. Pack up your child’s favorite belongings in one box – Keep this box with you for your child to open as soon as you move in. This will help to create a familiar place for your child in the new home.
7. Pick up some fun stickers and let the kids label their boxes – Involving your children in fun ways will help them associate moving with fun. Additionally, when the boxes head to the new house, they will be able to get excited about finding the ones that belong to them.
8. Pack with your child in mind – Moving takes time so be sure to pack at least two days worth of necessary items you will need for your children in a separate box, eliminating the hassle of digging through numerous boxes to find specific items.
9. Keep the kids away from the moving site – With all of the commotion on moving day, it can be dangerous for your children to be running around in the middle of it all. To keep your children safe and to help you focus on your move, set up a play date with other children in the neighborhood or hire a babysitter / ask a family member or close friend to take your children to their favorite places in town, like the park, a toy store, a do-it-yourself or studio and the movies.
10. Unpack your child’s room first – Moving is exhausting for everyone, but organizing your child’s belongings first will help to keep them calm while you unpack the remainder of the house.
Anyone else have a tip for moving with kids? Whatcha got? I’m all ears.
*I was compensated for my time to share this post with you. All opinions, however, are my own.
haha that’s incredible – how much would it cost if we wanted the guy with the pickup?