Spring. I love spring! Cleaning. I hate cleaning. Needless to say, Spring Cleaning and I have a love hate relationship.
As soon as it gets warm enough to open the windows (a little bit longer than usual in these parts this year), I get the urge to start sprucing up the house. Clutter be-gone! Clean off that patio table! Bring some fresh air up into this piece! Apparently, I’m not the only one maniacally running around my house to get it in perfect order just to have the kids out of school to destroy it. Sometimes motherhood seems a little futile, doesn’t it?
Well, if this is sounding a wee bit familiar to you (and I’m sure it does), I thought I’d share a great giveaway for some Food Lion 360 Cleaning Products. I’ve been using them the last few days, and I haven’t been disappointed!
Yes, my table is green. But it wipes up quite nicely, don’t you think? And, the dishwasher detergent works like a charm. I think I just found a way to shave off a few bucks from my weekly grocery list, thank you very much.
Wanna try these out for yourself? One lucky Mom Favorites reader will be getting the same package of cleaning goodies that I was sent! Hip Hip Hurray! Makes that Spring Cleaning a little more “love” and a little less “hate,” doesn’t it?
Enter the rafflecopter app below, but before you do… if spring cleaning means getting rid of a lot of stuff, like it does in mine, check out this handy-dandy infographic which tells you how to dispose of medications and the like!
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