I’m about to air some dirty laundry all up on y’all, so if you’ve got smell-o-vision, you best take a few steps back. Or ten. Yep, it’s bad. I wasn’t going to tell you how bad, but now I know you are dying to find out why I’ve got such stinky laundry. It’s really a pretty simple explanation:
Yesterday, my baby took off his diaper.
During nap time.
And painted with his poo.
“Jon!!!” I yelled at my husband. “I need you immediately! IMMEDIATELY!!!” Really the immediacy of this particular situation could not be under-estimated.
Jon meandered over to the room, (was it on purpose or does he really just move this slow in crisis situations???). “Oh. Oh. OhHHHHHOHOH. Ewwwww,” He said as Will looked up with us with his gorgeous eyelashes now covered in poo.
“I’ll take the room. You take the kid,” I told him. Someone’s gotta take charge of this battlefield.
Apparently, I gave off the easy job. The room was a poop-covered treat. The kid had gotten feces everywhere: walls, bumpers, crib sheets, bed skirts, blankets, stuffed animals, books, furniture… If he could touch it, it was now coated in poo. I removed all offending fabric pieces and hauled it off to the laundry where the poo smell was beginning to overwhelm my senses. I shoved the victims of the poo-assault in the washing machine, then slammed the door. GOOD riddance! Only that smell was still permeating through the air.
I found a newly acquired bottle of Febreze Laundry Odor Eliminator and stuck my nose down in deep. You probably shouldn’t inhale the stuff. You also probably shouldn’t be subjected to the noxious gasses of toddler poo for too long either. You make the best with the cards your dealt.
My senses somewhat restored, I loaded up the laundry with tough-fighting detergent, then realized that THIS was my moment to try join the Febreze Common Scents Institute. I poured in my Febreze Laudry Odor Eliminator and hoped for the best.
Wash complete, and dry cycle wrapped up, I now have poop-free, fresh-as-rain smelling laundry. I’m putting back those sheets on the bed. Folding my babies fluffy blankets and restoring “Racoonie” back to his home. I now know I can handle anything with Febreze Laundry Odor Eliminator by my side. I just really, really, don’t want to do battle again any time soon. Cool?
Are you about to rage war with your laundry? I hope you battle isn’t quite as dramatic as mine. Regardless, we’ve got you covered.
You can get up to four entries. You’ll get one each time you:
- Fill out the form below. This one’s the freebie!
- Tweet: “Get your clothes smelling fresh! Win a @Febreze_Fresh Common Sense Institute Kit from @cltmomfaves! http://bit.ly/Mie8NA”
- Share this link on Facebook (you can copy & paste this onto your status update: “Check out the Febreze giveaway on CMF! http://bit.ly/Mie8NA”)
- Leave a comment about your dirty laundry – what’s the stinkiest problem you’ve got?
Our stinkiest laundry is a toss up…potty training toddler (not TOO many accidents but still) and my husband’s work out clothes…
the smelliest would be cat pee on my mopping towels
amandahoffman35 at yahoo dot com
febreze does wonders!