I’m about to admit something really naughty: For the last five years more often than not, when it came to reading to my children, I dreaded it. Curious George. Lego Chima. And Old McDonald. Again. AGAIN!
I was bored to tears. I guess my children were bored to sleep. So yes, I suppose, in the end I got what I wanted. My kids slept.
Then my ah-hah moment. Why don’t I read books my kids love and I enjoy too. It’s kind of like Thomas the Train vs. The Lorax. Sure, listening to old-school Alec Baldwin do the voice-overs for Thomas is entertaining and somewhat bizarre, but beyond that, there’s not much redeeming in it for the ‘rents. Or the kids. But if you go the Lorax route:? Amazing cinematography, great lesson for the kids, plus some jokes only the adults understand. I’ll take The Lorax, thank you very much.
And so it’s with books. For me, I realized my problem was book-acquisition. I am never involved in the book-getting process. We either get hand-me-down books from from friends or relatives (a.k.a the books no one else liked either) or we go to the library where I turn my kids loose to pick four books each (a.k.a. the grab what’s shiny and within arm’s reach). Let’s just say they aren’t picking “winners.” But, perhaps that’s because they also can’t read themselves, yet. I blame me.
So, I decided I’d pick out the books. And so far, my kids, my hubs and I agree: I pick awesome books. Sure, it’s a little more costly than checking out books at the library. But I can’t get a library book back on time to save my life. So who knows, buying books may actually be a cost cutting practice.
When I pick a book out, this is what I’m looking for: something light and funny that makes us all laugh, something that entertains and has a great lesson, or something that I don’t hate and helps put my kids to sleep. If this sounds good to you, (and you trust my taste), you may want to run out and grab some of these books. Or perhaps they’ll make great Christmas presents?
Count the Monkeys, by Marc Burnett
This one is awesome. But don’t plan on readying this one last. It gets the kids (and the adults) more excited. So keep that in mind. Oh, and love the little jokes thrown in for the adults.
A Visitor for Bear, by Bonny Becker
I just adore this story. In fact this is one that I want to read every night.
Click Clack Moo, Cows That Type, by Doreen Cronin
I’ve always wondered what cows would say if they could talk…. Ducks too for that matter! 🙂
Scared Squirrel Makes a Friend, by Melanie Watt
This one starts out: Warning! Scaredy Squirrel insists that everyone brush their teeth with germ-fighting toothpaste before reading this book. ‘Nuff said. I heart Scaredy Squrriel! I’ve heard that Scaredy Squirrel Goes to the Beach is also fantastic.
Sophie’s Squash, by Pat Zietlow
If your child has an imaginary friend, they’ll love who Sophie chooses as her best bud. Although I think I’d have picked a Shiitake mushroom. Love those things.
Good Night, Good Night Construction Site (a personal favorite of Will’s), by Sherry Rinker
I gotta be honest here. I didn’t really want to get this book. But I’m so glad I did. Will loves it. Plus the rhythm of the story is so sleep-inducing I end up yawning by the end of the story. A read for the end of storytime!
The Sneetches, Dr. Seuss
The message, the rhyming, and the silliness. Hands down, my favorite of Dr. Seuss’s stories!
Jake Stays Awake, by Michael Wright
If you’ve got a kid that climbs into your bed at night, I think you’ll love this story. Tempted to try this out myself. I’ll let you know how it works in a future blog post. 🙂
Mouse was Mad, by Linda Urban
Do you have a foot stomper? I’ve got two. And I love how Mouse goes through the motions of figuring out how to express his anger.
I’m the Best, Lucy Cousins
After reading this book, this is the discussion Graham and I had. “Mom, everyone’s the best at something.” Me: “Yeah, like what?” Graham: “Everyone’s the best at being themselves!” Ain’t that the truth?
What books are your bedtime favorites? I’m dying to add more to our stack! Please share if you have a children’s book that makes you laugh or gives you the warm-fuzzies!
*I wasn’t compensated or given product to faciliate my review. Just included these books ’cause I we love them!
Nice blog