I’ve been toying with the post in my head for weeks now. Should I come up with something witty to say? Just say it straight out? Tell you how sorry I am for being AWOL towards the end of the Christmas season and most of this month? I mean, what have y’all been cooking with no “Month of Meals??”
Well, all I came up with when it came to writing this post was one heckuva writer’s block. So I’m just gonna lay it out there: I’m preggers.
Harding Baby #3 is on it’s way. Most of you are probably shocked. I get it. When I was pregnant with Will (our second child), I vowed, VOWED, that we were a two-and-done family. The world was built for a family of four, I had said. And believed. Imagine going out to eat. Riding in the car. Managing sibling squabbles. Travelling. Daily life. Yep, all is easier with a one-parent-to-one-kid ratio.
Then I had a pivotal moment. It was in the delivery room with Will. We had several complications and after everything was resolved the Dr. said to me, “Well, you shouldn’t have any more babies!”
Was that a dare? Bring it.
Ok, not really. But it did make me look at my life differently. Having someone direct you not to do something makes you wonder if maybe it’s something you actually might want to do. And the more I love on my babies and see them turning into lovely (if slightly maniacal) children, I realized…. I really wanted to bring another person into our family.
The husband and I chatted with my OB, we talked through the risks and what we could do to mitigate them, and decided – it’s time for #3.
So, here I am. Near the end of my first trimester. Sick as a DOG. And trying not to complain about it. Just allow me to say: I am nauseous. Oh, so nauseous. I’m tired. Like you wouldn’t believe. Food is the enemy. And I’ve got a terrible sense of motion sickness which is triggered by television and working on the computer. Which clearly, in my line of work, is NOT A GOOD THING.
Let me also add – I DO NOT CARE IF IT’S A GIRL OR A BOY. Every single person that we’ve told has said, “Well maybe this is your chance for a girl!”, “This is a girl, I feel it!”, or “It’s gonna be a girl, don’t worry.” So let me assuage you and say: I don’t care what gender it is. I want one more person at my Christmas table. A few more years of having a little child in my house. Someone else to call in and check on me when I’m an old lady. Don’t worry about the gender for me. It will all be just fine.
Happy New Year readers. I hope to be writing and being more present over these next few weeks,
P.S. I got rid of all my maternity clothes and newborn clothes/gear. If you have anything you’d like to get rid of or sell – I’m your gal!
Congratulations Katie! Three children is wonderful! Hope you feel better soon!
I’ll add that I got so tired of everyone’s hope it’s a girl comments too. And three boys is loads of fun!
I know everyone is just meaning well, but there’s nothing to be done about it, so let’s just see what happens, you know? 🙂
Congrats Katie!! This is awesome news. Hope you can put the m/s behind you soon and enjoy the rest of your pregnancy 🙂
Anything in particular you’re needing? I’m wading through tons of stuff for the Harris Y sale right now and could pull some off for you to look at.
Awesome, thanks! Looking for spring/summer maternity and baby stuff (mostly gender neutral swaddle blankets and pj’s in infant sizes).
CONGRATS!!!!!! So sorry you have had such a rough 1st trimester…hopefully you will feel better soon! I think I do still have some old maternity clothes, and will pass them along to you as soon as I have a chance to go through my closet!
Awesome! Particularly looking for spring/summer maternity stuff! Let me know!
Congralations Katie!! How cool is that?! (Well, not the motion sickness/morning sickness stuff!) I hope you feel better soon. 🙂
It’s wonderful having three! The older two play together and I get to snuggle with the baby. They help with and look out for him too. I feel overwhelmed sometimes but then I look at my nice family and feel like I’m always going to be busy and happy.
I hope to feel the same way! Thanks Susan!
Congrats Katie, I am in shock! But things change- I have learned to never say never. I’m so happy for you 🙂
Thanks Dori! Who knew????
Best wishes for mama and growing family. Are you also sick of people saying, “You’re braver than me!”
If not, consider it said. If yes, I meant “You’re a natural!”
Is it brave or ignorant? 🙂
congrats!! I’m preggo with #3 as well – and I had the same computer issue (I even looked at my phone with one eye closed 😉 ). We have two boys and got way too many girl comments (and this one is a girl – ironically I was sure I’d eventually have four boys and not a girl at all). I’m trying to concentrate on the excitement of having a little baby in the house again and not the purberty that will come ;). I hope you feel better and better every day! And I hope this delivery goes well.