Since becoming a mommy, time FLIES by. Five years has passed at break neck speed. They grow and develop so quickly and learn to do so much.
I find myself trying to take mental pictures of these moments, {CLICK} and they’re gone.
I love seeing their creative juices flow on our craft table. Just mix paper, glue and glitter for amazing results (that will have your vacuum occupied for weeks).
I’ve had to make the hard decisions about their treasured artwork. Do I save each masterpiece in the ever amassing bin of colored paper? What stays? What gets snuck shawshank redemption style to the recycling bin? I have my favorites, the little treasures they’ve created from their ever growing imaginations, etched in their adorable scrawl. They’re like little time capsules that can be revisited as they get too big to scrawl ‘MOM’ in every color imaginable.
I was looking for a unique mother’s day gift for my mom when I saw an ad for KidzCanDesign. They take your child’s artwork and turn it into a wearable jewelery item. They even have key chains for Dads. My daughter thought that a picture of all her grandkids would be a hit and went to work like the little Picasso that she is.
When it arrived the necklace was adorable – high quality sterling silver and totally perfect for Grandma. It was so cute that my husband commissioned our daughter to create the perfect picture fora mother’s gift for me.
To get your own custom creation for $10 off at KidzCanDesign use the code: LareinaW! You can also enter to {WIN} your very own customized pendant by entering below!
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