Hello Mom Favorites readers! I’m Victoria, I’m a stay at home mother of two beautiful little girls, Squiggles (18 months) and Bubbles (3.5years). My girls and I love exploring and learning together, and I enjoy blogging about some of our experiences on my blog, Squiggles and Bubbles. I’m really excited to have the opportunity to share our edible water bead recipe with you today.
Did you know that if you soak chewy candy in tea overnight that they expand? I didn’t until Bubbles had a tea party with her teddies earlier this year and poured tea over gummies she was pretending were sugar cubes. They expanded to twice their size overnight!
It was so exciting to see that purely by accident. We had something similar to water beads but something Squiggles could play with too, as they were safe for her to taste unlike traditional water beads.
Today, I’d like to show you how we played with water bear AND butterfly beads on our light table!
To make our water bears and butterflies we simply placed two 160g bags of gummy bears and one 160g bag of gummy butterflies into a deep container, and then completely covered them in cold water. We left them overnight to grow, although, as is the case every time we play with our edible water beads, throughout the day neither Bubbles nor I could help running our hands through the water to have a touch and see how they were growing.
The next morning our bears and butterflies had doubled in size! I then simply placed the bears and butterflies in a clear sensory tub and placed it on the light table.
The girls were so excited and eager to play with our edible water beads, that before the tub was even on the light table they had their hands in it!
Bubbles was inspired by Squiggles’ addition and asked if she could add some flowers into the mix. She had fun filling them with the beads and using them as scoops.
Thanks so much for letting me share our simple exploration with you, I hope you’ll join me over at Squiggles and Bubbles to hear about our other play explorations!
Please note when I say edible I mean safe to taste, not necessarily great to eat in large quantities! Please always supervise your infant/child at play. Please stay within arms reach and never leave infants/children unattended. You know you’re infant/child best, use your own judgement-considering your infant/child’s temperament, habits, behaviour and development before you play with a new play medium.
Victoria is the author of Squiggles and Bubbles, a simple kids activities blog where she shares the play activities and recipes she explores with her girls. You can join in the fun on Facebook or Pinterest.
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