Those of you that I know personally know I’ve been through an incredibly challenging time in my life. I’ve faced some very unexpected health troubles after having my baby, and it’s taken a long time for me to pull myself back up. I do plan to share with y’all what has been going on. Not because I think you want to hear all of the gory details, but because I think it’s an important step for me in the recovery process. Writing for me is healing.
Just know, that’s coming. But before I get to that, I need to get used to moving my fingers on a keyboard. Telling stories. Taking photos. Doing what I really enjoy doing: sharing great tips, products, recipes and stories that make parenting easier and more enjoyable.
So, now, let me dust off my keyboard and tell you a little about a product that has helped me make sure my boys are staying healthy while mommy has been recovering: Tum-E Yummies Kids Water Enhancer.
In a time when my family was in survival mode, I’ve found little things to celebrate: cuddles on the couch while watching Curious George. Family snuggles in bed on Saturday morning. Crackers and “juice” on the patio in the nice fall weather.
Nothing terribly exciting, but these things kept me going and helped me stay plugged in with my boys. Now that I’m starting to feel better, I’m trying to continue to focus on these little moments in the day. Not that my boys would let me forget…
Graham and Will have become particularly attached to the crackers and “juice” routine. Can’t say I blame them. And, I feel good about it too.
As a rule of thumb, we treat “juice” as a social beverage for the kids. But, I’ve recently discovered Tum-E Yummies Kids Water Enhancer. They call it juice, and who am I to correct them? One colorful squirt flavors water and adds 100% of the daily Vitamin C, B6 and B12 with natural flavors and no sugar. I let them pick the color they want (it’s a really big decision), we load up a plate with some graham crackers, and we head out back to watch the active construction site next door. It’s a big time.
As I start to feel better, and I begin to venture beyond the boundary of my home, I look forward to going to my boys soccer games, taking them to swim class, picking my son up from the bus. And you can bet… I’ll be toting Tum-E Yummies along with me.
And water. And graham crackers. And an extra kid. And a giant diaper bag. How do moms of three ever leave the house????
***I was provided with product and compensated for my time to facilitate this review***
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