{I participated in an Influencer Activation on behalf of Influence Central for Little Remedies. I received product samples to facilitate my review as well as a promotional item to thank me for my participation. Also, please note – this is not medical advice, and I am not a doctor! Before giving any treatment for an illness, please consult your physician.}
Lately, it seems as though one in the five of us in our family has been sick. Like, literally since we’ve been a family of five, there has not been a time when everyone under our roof has felt well. It’s been pretty cruddy. I’m trying to create my own healthy habits, and ensure that everyone else does the same (eat well, wash hands, etc.), but it feels like a losing battle.
We’ve all had our turn with a nasty little cold, Graham has had pneumonia (!!), and we ended up taking him to the doctor’s office again this weekend because he was so congested. This time, it’s nothing serious, thank goodness.
Because it seems that we will constantly be battling the big bad germs this cold and flu season, I’m going to make sure I’m always offering up natural remedies first, and then of course bringing in the prescriptions and doctors visits when necessary. But, I gotta be honest – I’m tired of the doctors offices this year, and even more tired of managing everyone’s meds. I want a healthy house and happy kids!
To that end, here are a few natural remedies for sick kids that I’ll be using at first sneeze:
1) The Humidifier – Sure, you hear it all the time. But, did you know it actually works? Especially so for little people, it seems. I have one that I can put menthol-scented pads that the kids just love. I tuck them into bed, make sure their heads are elevated, and their congestion seems so much better in the morning.
2) Little Remedies – I’m lovin’ on Little Remedies – their tagline says it all – “Everything they need. Nothing they don’t.” I’ve used both the Little Remedies Saline Spray and the Honey Cough Syrup for Graham this week. Although he was not fond of using the saline spray (what kid ever is excited to let you shoot stuff up their nose) it did the job. And the Honey Cough Syrup? We all love it. It’s actually the only cough syrup I can get him to take without holding him down. And that’s never fun with a six year old. I think as parents, it’s tough to know when to medicate your kids when symptoms present. You always want to do something to make them feel better. But, you don’t always need to bring out the big guns. This is why I love Little Remedies. The ingredient list is simple, plus they do the trick often enough!
3) Draw a Bath – When the fever starts to creep up, they’re feeling achy, or they just need something to do besides watch TV when they aren’t feeling well – it’s bath time! My boys love a bath, especially when they can sit and play without being rushed. The warm and steam will help loosen congestion, plus, it’s probably just a good thing to do. I always feel better after a bath! Want to take it up a notch? Make these homemade bath bombs from the Coterie blog. They look (and probably smell) amazing!
4) Homemade Rehydration Fluid (a.k.a. DIY Pedialyte) – Pushing fluids is so important when the kids are sick! This solution is recommended by rehydrate.org. Dissolve six level teaspoons in one liter of warm water. Stir in half a teaspoon of salt. Add in a splash of your child’s favorite juice and voila!
5) Essential Oils – I love this little trick! When the boys are not only feeling cruddy, but also down in the dumps, this is our “magic sauce” to make them feel better! Mix one drop of EITHER peppermint essential oil or lemon essential oil with coconut oil and rub it on their chest. I let them pick the super-ninja (or whatever character your kid looks up to) scent that they think will help. The power of the mind + the power of aromatherapy can do amazing things.
What’s in your arsenal for sick kids? Have you tried any of these natural remedies? How did they work for you?
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