Velcro® Industries is giving one lucky teacher a Classroom Makeover! Who will you nominate?
Teachers change lives. That’s a fact. I’ve seen it with my kids and I’ve experienced it first-hand. I’ll never forget Mr. Houser in 4th grade and how he brought me out of my shell on the playground and gave it a go at teaching me hoops. Sure, it was a lost cause, but the effort was noble.
Then there was Doc. Doc was the most amazing teacher and band director a teenager could have asked for. Ask anyone in the music program at my high school circa 1995, and they’ll tell you too – Dr. Maddox changed their musical career and their experience in high school for the better. He inspired without pushiness. He expected things (from teenagers, none the less), without seeming demanding.
I wish I could say thank you now. I wish I could let them know how much of a difference teachers make in our lives.
My oldest son is in 1st grade and it astounds me how much the teachers do beyond instruction in their classrooms! Amazing murals on the walls, bright and engaging activity centers, and supplies at the ready.
But, it’s a known fact that a lot of stuff in classrooms comes out of the teachers own pocket and unfortunately, not all classrooms are created equal.
Teacher Appreciation Week is May 4th – 8th and to celebrate, VELCRO® Industries teamed up with DIY All-Star, Sabrina Soto to give away a classroom makeover.
They’re going to give one lucky winner, a dream classroom. No more old decorations; no more getting the classroom all set on their own dime. Nope, Sabrina Soto will take care of it all with VELCRO® Brand products.
If you could set a teacher up with a dream classroom, who would you nominate?
The Nitty Gritty
Nominations for PreK – grade 12 educational rooms are open to educators, students, parents or friends and must be received by April 30, 2015. The winner will be selected and announced on May 5, 2015 – official National Teacher Appreciation Day.
To learn more about the contest, or nominate a well-deserving teacher, visit:
All classrooms, resource rooms or formal learning areas are eligible for submissions. Entrants must submit two (2) photos of the room with a brief reason the educator and the classroom deserve to win through the WooBox Contest Application (highlighted on the VELCRO® Brand Facebook, Twitter and Instagram).
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