Cleaning the refrigerator 101! #MiFabuloso #CollectiveBias
I often feel like I’m on the brink. On any given day things could go either way – If I stay organized and on track I just might be able to get everything done or… I could throw in the towel early. Maybe crawl back into bed and pretend the day never happened. Usually, I operate somewhere in the middle. Mild frustration combined with long to-do lists and moderate accomplishment.
To be honest, I work best in insanity. If I had a few things to do, nothing would get done. With three kids, a full time job, and the semblance of a social life? I accomplish quite a bit. Occasionally things spiral out of control. When that happens? I clean. Some people stress-eat. I stress-clean.
Last week I was feeling particularly stressed out, so I tackled a big project: Cleaning and organizing my refrigerator.
I don’t think many of us put much thought into the fridge. We moved into our house almost two years ago. When we did, I was anxious just to unpack everything. Things went into the refrigerator without much thought, and the system of where things went stayed the same.
I’m fairly certain I haven’t ever actually cleaned the refrigerator before. Sure, I’ve gone on missions to uncover a foul odor, and I’ve wiped up mysterious juices from the bottom of drawers. But this time, I did it proper.
I’m so proud of it, in fact, I decided to share it with y’all.
Start with the shelves and bins, then move to the drawers. Keep the trash can and recycling bin nearby. Anything expired? Toss it. If it’s near it’s expiration date – ask yourself if you’ll use it in time. If not, toss it.
I discovered one very rotten bag of green onions, a really gross pork-juice situation pooling up at the bottom of the fridge, several expired dressings and condiments, and one container with something in it. It may or may not have been alive. I also chucked a few bottles and jars of various condiments that have so many preservatives they could be passed down from generation to generation. But do I use them? No. They hit the trash can too.
This is not the time to be frugal or sentimental. It’s time to pare down.
Really, try and get everything you can – when is your fridge ever going to be completely empty again? Yeah, I thought so. 🙂
Once everything inside the refrigerator is clean, re-install your clean shelves. And – I know this is crazy – but you could put them back in a different place if it makes sense!
I also got a few containers for the main shelves of the fridge. Oh, and my favorite addition? The fruit basket. Not sure how long I’ll be able to keep my fridge this organized, but it does make me feel all warm, fuzzy, and healthy when I open my fridge to see a few apples at the ready!
So what do you think? Are you doing any spring cleaning projects? Let me know what I should tackle next!
Great tips!!!I definitely can use some of your tips #client
You did an incredible job! Cleaning the refrigerator truly is a serious project! I am trying to find some time to do the same with my refrigerator but I always feel too tired when I open the fridge and I see how much work it is! I feel that the time have came and I need to start with cleaning it! I am planning to straight do a deep clean of the whole kitchen. Thanks for sharing this post. I feel much more inspired and motivated to clean! 🙂 Greets!