Who’s ready for school to be out? I am! I mean, I thought I was excited when I was a kid for summertime, but now that I’m a mom? It’s somehow just as great, if not better.
Goodbye early mornings. Goodbye picking kids up at school buses. Goodbye rushed evenings. Hello pooltime.
With three boys, my M-O when at the pool is to keep the kids alive, protect them from the sun, and try and to get a little bit of R&R in for myself.
I’ve had my two older boys (ages 4 & 6) in swim lessons for years now. Although I still watch them like a hawk, they know what they are can do and can’t, so it’s not quite as scary as it once was.
My 9 month-old, however, is just getting his feet wet (pun intended) with water. He really seems to love it, all of my babies have. But, it’s so stressful when he’s in the pool for me! Not only is he a slippery little booger when he’s wet, but I worry about him getting too much sun.
Which is why I use the Swim Ways Baby Spring float available at Toys R Us. Think of it as an exersaucer for the water. And, we all know how much babes love their exersaucers! The float’s inner air chamber keeps your little one tightly secured, and the outer chamber provides balance. The child sits in a mesh seat in the middle and stays perfectly buoyant.
My favorite feature, though, is the sun shade, which easily attaches to the float and can be centered or tilted to give baby full sun coverage. Brilliant.
Yes, I was provided one to help facilitate this post, but I’ve been using this product for years. All three of my boys loved it. And that’s saying something…. as my boys all seem to be pretty different!
I mean, isn’t he hilarious? Sweet James is having a blast splashing himself in the pool, although I’m not sure he really realizes the cause and effect of what’s going on here! 🙂
Did you know that May 16th is National Learn to Swim Day? It serves as a good remind to us parents to kick off summer safely by engaging our children in water safety and swim instructions. SwimWays believes that swimming is an important life skill and that all children should have the opportunity to learn to swim. Don’t you? Be sure they have the right gear this summer for swim safety (and fun)!!!
PS – I edited this post several times before I caught that I wrote pootime instead of pooltime in the second paragraph. 🙂
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