It’s for the world’s most perfect cocktail. Whip up a Sparkling Paloma cocktail recipe with Vintage Sparkling Water for your last hurrah Summer BBQ!
Confession time. I’ve been cutting back on diet soda. On order of the personal trainer. Admittedly, I’ve been drinking too much of it on a daily basis for the last 20 years.
Instead of soda, I’ve found that sparkling water has been a fantastic substitute. And Vintage Sparkling Water is one of my favorites. It’s bubbly, but not too bubbly. It’s flavored, but not overpoweringly so. It’s very low sodium, and there are over ten flavor varieties. Lots of good reasons to love it. Plus, you can pick it up at your local Kroger.
Another reason to love it? It’s absolutely PERFECT in one of my favorite cocktails. I’ve always been a fan of the classic Paloma (tequila and grapefruit soda). But I’ve mixed it up by switching out the grapefruit soda (which who has anyway?) with grapefruit juice and a heavy pour of Pink Grapefruit Vintage Sparkling Water. Yeah… it’s perfect.
For the record: we aren’t telling the personal trainer about this. Although he’s kind of an everything in moderation kinda guy. As am I. Which is why it works out.
To make a Sparkling Paloma:
Over ice, pour in 1 part tequila,
1 part grapefruit juice,
and fill ‘er up with Pink Grapefruit Vintage Sparkling Water! Give a stir and bottoms up!
Do you have a favorite drink you love to make with Vintage Sparkling Waters? Tag a pic on Instagram or Twitter with #DrinkVintage and you may be featured on the Vintage website or get coupons for more of your favorite sparkling water!
Oh, and although I assume you know this already, but… Please drink responsibly!
Want to learn more about Vintage Sparkling Waters?
I was selected for this opportunity as a member of Clever Girls and the content and opinions expressed here are all my own.
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