Like cooking, though, having a good workout is very dependent on having the right gear. Now that it’s warm, I plan to live in my Nike track shorts. One of my complaints about running (besides the obvious – physical exertion, sweating, fatigue, side cramps) used to be the issue of shorts creeping up between my legs. If only I had taken note of all of the “real” runners out and about. Those gals all wear the Nike shorts. Had I not been graciously gifted my first pair (thanks, Angie), I’m sure I’d still be running and pulling the shorts down, running and pulling…
Like all good things, Nike’s track shorts come at a price – around $28. However, like most good things, you can also find a cheaper version at Target. Champion brand shorts are almost as good (the fabric isn’t quite as smooth, and they run a little bigger in size), but they’re about half the price.
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