Jon asked me the other day when Will would be moving into his room. Since coming home from the hospital Will has taken up residence in a bassinet in the corner of our bedroom. I responded with a shocked, “He still needs to be in our room. He’s so little!” Jon reminded me that he’s consistently been sleeping through the night and hasn’t needed us. “Oh,” I said, “well, I’m just not ready I guess.” Which is silly, right?
Until I realized that for the past year, Will has been living inside of me or within a few feet of me all of the time… with maybe an hour or two of separation here and there. All night long for the rest of his life is a huge milestone. One that we will be embarking upon tomorrow. Because although I’m sad about this step, I know that he can do it. I can do it. Unless I change my mind, which may happen.
In the event we do successfully make the transition, check out Will’s new digs, the product of our “Green-over” that we participated in courtesy of Green Works and designer Carter Oosterhouse. It’s the last bit of the renovation that I had yet to reveal to y’all… a few changes have been made, but you’ll get the gist!
If you missed the “family” room reveal, feel free to check out the link on the Green Works website!
Good luck! You can do it!
The room looks amazing. I can’t believe Carter said “whimsy” 🙂