Dear Graham,
Happy Birthday, my BIG BOY! You… You are a wonder to behold. I know one day, you will probably give me some grief about writing about your potty training experiences, your temper tantrums and for grumbling about my mom duties. It’s OK. You’ll be allowed to give me a little grief. A little. But, there are a few things you should know:
There’s no one else in the whole wide world that I’d rather play toys or puzzles with. Watching you discover how things work is beautiful.
You couldn’t pay me anything to give away one night of hearing you scream, “Sweet Dreams Mommy! I love you through and through,” and then crying because you need “one hug more.”
When you ask me, “What do you want to talk about Mommy?” and I say trains, or friends, or playgrounds, or treats, know that I would rather talk to you than any one else. You say the most amazing things. I wish I could capture them all in a time capsule and open it up when I’m sad.
You’ve taught me that no matter what I end up doing with my life, being your mom is the most wonderful thing in the world. Not every day is perfect (for sure!), but when they are good, they are better than they ever would have been without you in this world. You are my goodness. You are your daddy’s goodness. You are the best of us both.
Happy Birthday to Graham!!!