The weekly spotlight will be on CMF readers “Top Five.” The Top Five can be anything, Top Five favorite kid/adult movies, restaurants, stores, kid/adult books, websites, recipes, kid products, beauty and bath products, crafts, travel destinations… you get the idea. The Top Five can be absolutely anything!
In order to motivate and inspire you to send along your “Top Five” submissions, I’m willing to throw out a few goodies! First, for every “Top Five” submission, you’ll get one entry for the grand prize. You can submit up to FIVE “Top Five” entries. What’s the grand prize, you ask? A FREE Birthday Party at Monkey Joe’s (Park Road location). This goodie is valued at over $160!!! Runners up will receive TCBY gift cards. Hurray!
Now, I’ve got another opportunity for small business owners. If you own a business, you can submit a Top Five entry for your favorite products that you sell (or whatever makes sense). With it, you’ll get a FREE link back to your website. Your business or “Top Five” list must be relevant to our readers, so please keep that in mind.
If you’d like to submit pictures with your Top Five list, awesome, if not, no worries! However, it would be nice if you would submit a picture of yourself (or the kiddos) with your entry. A few sentences about yourself or inspiration for the list can also be included. If you have your own blog and want the link along with your Top Five list, please send me the link!
Can’t wait to share your favorite things with our CMF readers! Please submit all entries by January 20th in order to be eligible for the Monkey Joe’s and TCBY prizes.
Time to start writing!
P.S. Send all questions and entries to:
that was fun. i sent 5 top fives. almost makes me want to start a blog myself.. hmm..
thanks alex! so excited to get everyone’s list. i think this is going to be a fun weekly highlight for the blog!