1. Figure out what you truly want. Ask yourself this question, “why did I purchase a gym membership?” Was it because my doctor told me I needed to work out? Was it because I saw a commercial on the TV? Or was it because you want to look like you did when you were 21? Doesn’t matter the reason, we all have a reason for working out and continuing to work out. There is something that is driving us “to feel the burn” and sweat all over the place to achieve a certain goal, a certain feeling or a certain lifestyle change. Whatever those answers are; hold onto it, go back to it when times get rough and you want to quit or whenever you are trying to get back on the wagon and achieve your fitness goals. All things are possible through fitness!
2. Write the “What” and the “Why” down. Research done by the Ford Foundation wanted to know the fundamental difference between the “top 3%” and the rest. They found all the possible variables and found that the glaring difference was the “top 3%” wrote their goals down, the others did not. My most successful clients wrote their goals down and place it somewhere they would see it every day. Not only should you write your goals down but you should write why that goal to go along with it. The simpler you keep it the better. Become a part of the “Top 3%” I know you can do it!
3. Marry the “Why” and the “Want.” Marry? “You want me to commit to it like that?” Yes I do. Take anything in your life that is worth doing; getting married, having kids, finding cures for terminal illnesses all require commitment to succeed. You must commit to your endeavor and the goals you chose to achieve. Now is the time and there is no time to waste. As Nike says, “Just do it.”
4. Life is about “Wins” and “Losses.” I’ve said this phrase a thousand times and most people don’t understand at first. We all will fail at something or not quite reach the apex we were striving for. However, it is how we bounce back that is the most important. I compare this statement to basketball, if you miss your first 5 shots it tends to ware on your mind and you may miss the next five. However, if you make your first 5 shots, the odds are its going to be a good day at the office. Life is about momentum and how we capitalize on that momentum. I suggest to write down goals that can be achieve immediately. For example; going to the gym 12 times during the month of August or making 5 spin classes this month or reducing the amount of sodas from 3 per day to 1. These build momentum and more importantly confidence. They also motivate you to keep going and going and going!
5. Variety is the spice of life. A wise man once told me, “To get something you have never had, you have to do something you have never done.” Translation: you can’t do the same routine every week and expect the same results. Your body adapts like a chameleon. Your program must change and with it your body will change (depending on nutrition of course) Whether it’s; kettlebells, battling ropes, spinning or working out with a personal trainer you have to have variety in your exercise programming to be successful.
6. Support, Support, Support. 97% of people in an exercise program will quit at some point. Why? The lack of support and the lack of accountability. No ever achieves anything without a little help. I always advise clients/members to surround yourself with people that support your mission, who are positive and who have done what you are trying to do. Whether it’s a; personal trainer, a friend or a family member associate yourself with positive people that will lend you hand and keep you motivated and accountable versus people that won’t. This journey should mean everything to you, thus meaning everything to the people around you.
These tips were compiled by Josh Bowen (“JB”), the head trainer for all of Urban Active. To help you get motivated with your new year’s resolution to get fit, you’re invited to a FREE event at Urban Active on January 7th from 9am -10am.
Join JB for a 40 minute New Year, New You Boot Camp to work off excess holiday weight, followed by a 10 minute education session on nutrition and lifestyle, along with top tips for staying motivated all year long.
Urban Active’s “Get Active Challenge” is open to anyone who is ready to make the commitment to be fit and share their personal fitness journey by blogging and being a voice of encouragement in their neighborhood. By doing so, blogging participants who are Urban Active members will not only inspire their community, but they will earn points towards complimentary membership upgrades, personal training services and prizes. Non-members will receive a 14 day pass to the gym. For more info, visit www.getactivegourban.com.
Urban Active Charlotte is located at:
Ballantyne: 12325 Copper Way – Charlotte, NC 28277
(704) 247-9090
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