Ok, admittedly, that one may be a bit of a stretch. But seriously, Mr./Mrs. Inventor Person and Business Owners, you need to get on these ideas:
- Child-care at restaurants. You can check your kid in at IKEA, why not at Brixx Pizza? How nice would it be to sit back and have a dinner with your spouse and not have to escort someone to the potty five times? Sounds like a dream, right?
- I mentioned this on Facebook last night after spending 45 minutes hanging over Will’s crib….We need an automatic back-patter up in this house. What version of the iCrib to I need to have one of those installed? Oh, and a bouncy mattress and face-stroker would be good upgrades too.
- Why do the grocery stores not have a five-item or less drive-thru window? Or at least a milk pick-up window?? Come on! This one is simple folks!
- Potty Training Camp. You can send your kids to art camp, bible camp… military school. Why the heck can’t we send them off to professionals to get potty trained? I realize that some of you may be thinking, “I wouldn’t want to ship my two year old off to strangers for however long it takes to potty train them.” Those of you thinking that haven’t potty trained a kid.
Do you agree? What else is missing on my list?
Burlington has these drive through gas stations (they look like a carwash), and they have full gallons of milk there. Hah, I haven’t actually utilized it though because I often call my poor hubby to make those stops for me on his way home!
Love the idea of potty-training camp! Sign me up.
@Caroline – perhaps I should move to Burlington! @Heather – I know, right? Dreading potty training Will.
Similar to your restaurant idea, a full service salon and spa with free child care.
That would be a dream!