Boy, did I get my spring shopping on yesterday. I realized I needed some new clothes for the boys when I went to get Will, my littlest, dressed. It was the first day of the year projected to get into the 80’s (holy heck, right??), and I went to pull out something appropriate for the weather. Amidst sweaters and long sleeve rompers I found one – one – outfit to put him in. Granted, it was a freakin’ cute outfit. But one isn’t gonna cut it for the season.
I scrambled up to the attic to pull down a tub of hand-me-downs from his brother and started to sort through clothes. Nothin’. We have a season-size gap situation. No summer clothes in the 18 month size. For shame. Time to go shopping! I think I’ll survive.
Those of you that have read my blog know that I like a good deal, but not at the expense of my sanity. I like consignment shops, but I’ve been to consignment sales that have driven me batty. Well, I hit the consignment shop mother-load yesterday. Check it out:
- 6 rompers
- 8 pairs of boys’ shorts
- 8 shirts (many with collars)
- 1 sweater vest (the quintessential little boy dress-up accessory)
- 1 UV swim shirt
- 2 pairs of pajamas
Brands purchased include: Ralph Lauren, Baby Gap, Petit Ami, Hartsrings, Gymboree and Children’s Place. You know how much I spent for these 26 items of clothing? 90 bucks. Yep, comes out to about $3.50 a piece!!!
I’m sure that some of you more thrifty than I are probably sitting there thinking that I totally paid too much. Well, that may be true. But, let’s say I went to the Carter’s website to do my shopping. And, let’s say I only bought simple t-shirts in size 12 months. You know how many shirts I can buy? Six. Yep, six measly t-shirts. (Or if you brain works the other way, 26 t-shirts would cost me $364!!)
Yep, I’m feeling like a smartypants right now. Like a pair of 18-month-sized, Ralph Lauren, seersucker smartypants that only cost $4.99.
P.S. If this post motivates you to go consignment shopping, good for you. Just don’t be surprised if the size 4T and 18 month spring boy’s collection is wiped out at Kid to Kid, Park Road! 🙂
I will have to check them out when I get back.
@YUMMommy – you totally should!