Thanks to Jay, one of my non-Dad dude-readers, who submitted this list of favorite websites. (That’s Jay in the pic with his neice, Sydney.) He’s a good friend of mine, and is very keen on the latest technologies and social media tools. I swear he was the first person to be able to search Google from his phone. So if you haven’t checked these out, you should: – Great deals updated daily, little bit of everything, sometimes heavy on technology (also check out – One daily deal a day. (For example, today’s deal was a 24 food storage pack for 15 bucks!) – Cool T-Shirts. And Jay wears some seriously cool tees. They have a whole line for kids too. Very cute. – User created site consisting of thousands of “sub-reddits”, including parenting, exchange groups, and local content. But, there’s also plenty of non-PC stuff out there. (Read: don’t let your kids browse this site and if you think the link might be “inappropriate,” it probably is.) – Check it before choosing a movie. The site averages out reviews from across the country/globe and gives movies a “fresh” or “rotten” rating. Not that as parents we ever get to see a movie, but if we do, it may as well be good!
What would you add to the list?
This is the best top 5 ever, and I’m not just saying that… Ok, maybe I am a little biased…