You are the bane of my existence. When I saw you and your one hundred little friends swarming a bit of banana on my baby’s changing pad, you became my Public Enemy (of the Harding Household) Number 1.
I will take you down. Even if it takes every bottle of eco-friendly ant killer in this town. I will buy them. And, I will spray it.
There is no welcome mat for you at this door. Oh no, little black ant. You are not welcome. Do not pass go. Do not collect $200. In fact, you can tell all of your little ant-friends that I will stomp on you next time I see you. I will crush you with my thumb. And my baby will eat you.
Yep. Eat you.
Don’t let the door hit you on the way out.
I had a run-in with some ants last week while visiting my mom. Those little suckers are down right evil!
Aren’t they though? If you’ve got any ant-killing tips, pass ’em on! I need them!