April showers bring May flowers, right? Well, if I keep planning outdoor playdates, we’ll have a very flower-filled May. I did, however, get lucky enough to have great weather on the day I hosted a Spring Has Sprung playdate with my South Charlotte Playgroup. Gorgeous weather + fun crafts + seasonal treats = A beautiful way to celebrate spring.
If you are in the SCP and missed the event or aren’t in the area, here are a few photos and links to various spring playdate ideas so you can host your own. Just be prepared to push it off a few days or weeks. The weather sure can be fickle these days.
First up, pick a fun location to set up. A playground is always fun, but so is a back yard filled with favorite toys.
Next, peruse Pinterest to get your Spring Food inspiration flowing. Here’s the board I created for this event, chocked full of fun Spring treats. Above are some of the fun snacks that fellow SCP moms brought.
Finally, what Spring has Sprung event would be complete without a little spring planting? The kids totally got a kick out of planting their own herbs in little biodegradable pots.
I also had some crafts for everyone to make but had a total brain-fail the morning of the playdate and forgot to bring the supplies needed to assemble them. Hence the total lack of cute-crafting-photos. But, here’s a link to some spring-y crafts that are great for small and large groups: http://www.orientaltrading.com/api/search?Ntt=flower+craft
Many thanks to the SCP moms who joined us: Sarah, Chara, Jennifer, Nikki, Wynde, Lauren, Crystal, Tracy, Cathy, Claudia, Renee, Arcenia, Kristen, Jenny and Denise. I loved your food AND your company!
Spring has sprung but our weather has been down right dreadful lately. Missing outdoor playdates!
Seriously. Well, it should be beautiful tomorrow, as I have no outdoor events planned. Go ahead and assume a storm will be blowing in next Thursday though! 🙂