In most years prior, spring is two-fold: for every delightful romp-in-the-park-day, there’s a day that has us wallowing in our comforters, snuggling babies and wanting to stay in until it warms up just a wee-bit more.
Dining aside, these are the other great posts from the last few days on
Worried you won’t have enough to keep the kiddos busy once school’s out? My preschooler gets out in two and half weeks! AHHHHHHH!! I’ll be consulting Tricia’s post on how to create a summer bucket list when I run out of ways to occupy the kids!
Natalie shares how she got to enjoying one of her favorite pastimes… reading… after having kids. She’s going beyond her children’s bedtime tales to read stories without illustrations. Found out how she carved back a little bit of me-time!
Finally, Angie shared a fantastic post about an experiment she conducted with her kids… having them “mother” their own eggs for a day. The picture speaks to what the day was like, but you’ll have to read her post to get the full story!
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