If you’re in the South Charlotte Playgroup, you’ve seen enough frantic emails from me to know… I’m entering the “Working” Mom world. I’m finding a nanny, hiring a marketing assistant, and movin’ out of my stay-at-home comfort-zone. I’m putting on my eyeliner and high heels again, and I’m loving it.
I once dreaded the thought of going back to work. The thought of working regular corporate hours and picking up eager children from daycare didn’t sound like “fun” to me. Not, that it doesn’t work for other families, the idea just didn’t mesh well in my head. Luckily, I found a way to make my work schedule and work load work with my idea of how I wanted to parent. Phew….
And, I get a few other bonuses. Besides being able to get paid to be on Pinterest and calling time on Facebook real work, I’ve discovered some pretty mom-tastic perks that come from my new gig(s).
When I’m working with/for a client,
- I can go to the bathroom by myself. No one begs to come into the stall. No one asks if they can pull the toilet paper for me. I do it all by my bad self.
- I can wear a silk shirt and not worry about getting any one else’s bodily fluids on it.
- When riding a train or a bus I can (a) browse apps on my iPhone while commuting and (b) not have to sing songs at a high volume much to my own embarrassment and my children’s delight.
- I can go out to eat and not get eye-rolls from the host. Nope, no high chairs or kids’ menus for me. Although I will still take your crayons. Those things are like gold in my house.
- I can go for a quick coffee dash. Let’s emphasize the word quick. There’s no lugging kids in and out of car seats, no doing a purse-check for diapers and wipes. No errant runs to the potty. Just a grande soy latte. Hold the chocolate milk, thanks.
So yes, I’m glad to have gotten to the point where I love my work. It’s a challenge to get everything done. I schedule every hour of every day to make sure I get in the family time, the personal time and the work time that I need. But it’s been a good challenge, and I encourage you to find a little time to work…
Whether you do something for personal development (take a class in a hobby or go for continuing education) or take on a small project or a part-time job, it’s nice to have something that you do for you.
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