I know y’all are gonna feel really bad for me when I share how tough my adjustment has been these past few days from beach vacation to real life. So, needless to say, it’s Tuesday night and I just now realized… it’s been two darn weeks since I’ve shared with y’all the going ons of the Chiquita Moms.
I mean, honestly, it’s good enough stuff, that you should just hop on over and see for yourself. But, in case you need a little push here are a few things you may want to check out:
First: I got crafty (I know, again!!!) with the kids. We made snakes and Chiquita Banana Sammies with homemade magic-shell topping. It’s a pretty awesome treat even if you are of the thirty-something variety instead of the four-year-old variety.
I also was excited to share a preview of Having it All with Niki Taylor. Niki was inducted as an “official” Chiquita Mom (hey, you can get the status too if you log in!) and got to meet the very cool Miss Chiquita. Yep, she still wears fruit on her head. For a sneak peek and to learn why I think my kids have it all, read on.
Interested in more treats? Check out Natalie’s Chiquita Banana Split Ice Cream Cake. It looks absolutely divine!!!
Other posts you wont’ want to miss include Vanessa’s sweet letter to her son on his second birthday. I’ve gotten into the same habit of writing letters to my boys on their birthdays, and am so glad to be able to track my feelings for them over the years.
And, even if we only take away one action item from Angie’s post on how to make your marriage sweeter, I think we’ll all be better off!
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