So who”s going to cut down their own tree this weekend? You can bet your sweet turkey dinner I will be! Oh…. You thought I”d be all out saving money on Black Friday? I won”t because… I actually finished all my shopping last Saturday.
I Cant. Take. The Crowds.
I Don”t. Like. People.
That”s not true, really. But all of the excitement. My nerves can”t take it. Besides, almost every website has free shipping on Black Friday. Shopping in my slipper socks is definitely preferrable.
And on top of that. How am I gonna go all Griswold if I don”t even cut down my own tree??? I”ve tried, relentlessly, to get The Man to call me Sparky, but alas, he does not. Why isn”t anyone singing along with the Christmas Carols? These are memories, people! Memories are PRICELESS!!!
Come on! “We”re kicking off our fun old fashion family Christmas by heading out into the country in the old front-wheel drive sleigh to embrace the frosty majesty of the winter landscape and select that most important of Christmas symbols.”
If you do want to cut down your own tree, there are PLENTY of options out there. Some are simply “bring a hacksaw and cut down your tree,” while others are more memory oriented, with Santa, horse rides, hot cocoa, pin-the-tail-on-the elf, etc. We went to a really nice place last year, and the amusing part was we didn”t ACTUALLY cut down our own tree. We did pick it out. We had our picture made with the largest chainsaw made by Husqvarna, and we stood nearby to smell the sawdust. Those people were pretty smart, not letting people really cut their own tree.
Yes, the trees cost less money than the ones in front of your local strip mall. Yes, you do have to pay for the gas to drive into the mountains nearby. I hate that I to compare costs on everything nowadays (nowadays? Sheesh. ImSoOldItsNotEvenFunny) by including the gas money it takes to get somewhere, but I do. I can”t say that cutting down your own tree is actually any cheaper than buying one at Home Depot, and yes, I know, a fake tree is reusable, so ultimately that would be the cheapest. I definitely think choosing your own tree has some values.
1. The tree is alive until the moment you cut it down. So it will “last longer” inside your Chinese Horse cancer love horoscope WikipediaWhat does the Chinese astrology Horse zodiac sign say about you? The Horse is full of energy, knows how to manage money and has a wanderlust. house. This is the point where it”s okay to confess that winter sucks, and if leaving your tree up until the middle of February does it for you, then by all means, do it. Invite me over; I”ll bring the cocoa.
2. You can see the tree from all sides. It sounds silly to me to type this, but I have found at the strip mall parking lot- tree lots, the trees always seem to be tied to a post to stay standing. And whenever I have bought one of these trees and get it home, the tree always seems to have a big ole gap somewhere on it, that I later realize was the part of the tree tied to that dang pole.
3. Supporting local businesses. Some of the parking lot stands are a local business tied into a tree farm. I don”t know if this means you are supporting two local businesses by buying here. But I know that Saturday is Small Business Saturday, and I expect you all to participate.
4. Pioneer spirit. Yep, taking in the trees. Breathing in the crisp mountain air. I dunno. I was trying to be nostalgic. People need to get in on my Griswold-yness.
And hurry up, would ya? We got a lotta lights up on the roof that we need to start checking!
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