The Glory Days are officially over. January 2nd, is a tough day. Back to reality. A whole brand new year’s worth.
I stepped on the scale for this first time in several weeks this morning. Looks like that “stay fit” resolution just got changed to “get” fit. Ugh. Both kids are sick. Jon is back at work. I’ve got weeks worth of work and blogging, and editorial calendars to work on. January 2nd is a slap in the face.
But as much as I LOVED this last week with my family, I’m kinda looking forward to my daily grind. I’m a routine girl. When you give me a week with no schedule and a bottle of wine, I’m gonna sleep in, laze in my pj’s and drink the whole bottle of wine. Give me a to-do list that runs two pages long, a pair of running shoes a and a carafe of coffee and I’m in my glory. I love crossing an item off a to-do list.
So now that I’ve peeled myself from my bed, loaded up on coffee and let that number on the scale sink in… I’m off. To cross a year’s worth of to-do’s off my list.
How do you feel this morning? Looking forward to getting back to normal or missing the “glory days?”
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