Will someone please explain to me how a coupon that requires you to buy Four boxes of name brand cereal that I don”t even know if I like to get ONE DOLLAR off on fruit, that you were going to buy anyways, saves you any money? Please? I don”t understand it.
Okay, Maybe if you have a big family…
Who only eats cereal.
Every single meal.
But still, the generic cereal is more than a dollar less than that name brand. We”ve discussed this.
The whole Buying in Bulk thing, yeah, I get it, it”s cheaper. But how does that work for people trying to stick to a budget?
Buy 10 pounds of rice this week. Eat rice every single meal with no side dishes.
Next week, Next week! You can have some green beans. This was Rice Week!
Most of it, if you are eating fresh foods… doesn”t really keep that long. Let”s forget about cabinet space for a minute. I guess I could make a grocery list for a whole month, and still maintain weekly trips to the grocery store to pick up the fresh stuff, but you want me to make out a grocery list for a whole month?
Sometimes I have a hard enough time knowing on a Tuesday that someone has already decided for me (that someone being me) what I have to eat for dinner on a Friday. For the next month????
Okay, Okay. If I”m really trying to save money, Deal With It. Buy in Bulk.
What about Bread? (Okay, I can freeze that one) But Milk? Yogurt? Bananas (Oh, Lawd, do we go through some bananas at my house.) Blueberries, broccoli, eggs, spinach…. You see where I”m going. That stuff doesn”t keep for a month. So I”m STILL in the grocery store once a week or more to pick up my fresh goods.
Even if I made it to the farmer”s market weekly.
We allllll knooooow what happens next.
The more trips to the store you make, THE MORE YOU ARE GONNA BUY.
I think these “Buy in Bulk” people know this. They are really the grocery stores, wanting you to come back. Buy more, more, more.
And something else. I really don”t get.
Those people, the ones who buy a ton of something when it is on sale.
What exactly are we gonna do with six loaves of rye bread? “Cause if it wasn”t marked down to 1/6th of the original cost, then I can”t justify that I saved any atoledo.com money buying it. No matter how cheap it was. Unless it was 1/6th of the price. Okay. Yeah.
I know I don”t grocery hop as much as I could to really save, but I am Pretty Certain that stores don”t do ALL of their markdowns on ALL of their products on the same day. Now do they?? So if I really want to find the cheap stuff, I have to go in everyday.
See Above… That ain”t working.
Did anyone else see that this weekend? I was doing some research because I LOVE my readers and I DO want to give you valuable information. I found this woman who spent $60 a week on groceries for a family of five. SIXTY DOLLARS!
But she bought six loaves of rye bread because it was marked down and SHE likes it. No one else in her family. So WHAT”S SHE FEEDING HER FAMILY ALL WEEK??? Is there some sort of (free downloadable) cookbook out there that tells you how to turn Rye-Bread into Meatloaf? I”ve never heard of it. Sorry lady, I don”t care if you paid a shiny nickel for that bread, that”s a nickel I could”ve use to buy my kids some greek yogurt.
But seriously, WHAT is she gonna feed her family? She showed a picture of what she bought. I think there was some chicken, maybe a lot of chicken, that had been marked down because it was ready to expire. I know you can freeze it. Yeah, that”s what I want. A bunch of almost either peak flavor or near rancid chicken in the freezer.
I must have read this 6 or 7 times trying to understand what was happening, exactly. I kept trying to get The Man to read it. Explain it to me. He”s an Engineer. Looks at things at lot differently than I do. This may have been the . The premise of the whole thing was this is what she bought, and what she spent, on her groceries this week.
Only I”m not really convinced that was her ONLY trip to the grocery store that week. Or maybe it was, to THAT store in particular. Or maybe she bought $400 worth last week? So she got out for $60 and just rye bread and chicken this week?
One last explanation, of course.
I guess it”s chicken week.
I not get couponing or buying things in bulk, that we maybe eat twice a month. Why would I need 80 cans if pasta sauce? Better yet why would I need 60 bags of rice? Cause it’s only a dollar if I buy SIXTY!? I don’t get it
Is couponing or buying in bull is not your thing you don’t have to get it. Works well for other people.
Totally agree. I’m with Denise in that I don’t do a lot of bulk shopping… but for me, it’s simply because I never have coupons. Although if frozen shrimp are ever on sale, I’m getting a cart full! 🙂
We are members of Costco, and buy things like milk, yogurt, cheese, bread, meat, etc. i would never be the lady buying 6 of an item just because it is on sale, unless I know I am going to use it.
I’m learning a lot more on the couponing and buying bulk, and it looks like I CAN save a lot more, and make regular meals, if I do a little more planning. And not waiting until my cabinets are completely empty to go out for groceries. Ehich means at some point, I’m going to have to go over the weekly budget to get the ball rolling, but soon after, and for a longer period of time, I actually might save loads more money. I hope so!