First let me say, I am so darn glad I challenged myself to run 100 miles in May. Running had lost it’s edge for me. I was starting to slip from my routine of running daily, and I wasn’t feeling good about it. In May, that changed. Every day, I donned my running gear, not because I hoped I would run, but because I knew I would.
With three days of exception (I was on vacation and there was tequila), I ran. Every day, in the month of May. I had a goal of 100 miles and was stunned at the end of the month when I tallied up my miles to discover that I had actually run 127 miles. In 31 days. I’m patting myself on the back right now! 🙂
It didn’t hurt. It was fun. It was my constant in my wild world. I ran, one foot in front of the other, and sorted through my life. And, there were some added perks too! I lost a few pounds, I really increased my 5K pace, and I just feel better.
I’m telling you all of this, because I want to participate in the 100 Mile Mom Challenge in July with me. Call me a glutton for punishment, or just a girl who really loves a challenge, but I want you, my friends, to move your booty. For 100 miles. Run, walk, crawl, bike, swim, elliptical, just MOVE!
We’re working with businesses right now to find the perfect motivational tools, giveaways, discounts and more! We’ll pepper you with treats, goodies and encouragement during your journey. You’ve got over three weeks left to prep. Start walking, start moving. Let’s get ready for the 100 Mile Mom Challenge in July!
Why? Because you want to be fit, because you want to feel good about yourself, because you want to get back into an exercise routine, because you want to lose a few pounds, because…. Because you CAN!
Want to be kept in the loop with the latest of the 100 Mile Mom Challenge? Fill out this form below, and we’ll be sure to make sure your apprised of the latest details to get ready for the challenge!
Let’s start training!
My Guinea Pig May Trial Results:
127 Miles complete!
Week 4 Stats:
Weight: 120.2 (down 3.2 pounds from start date, and there was a vacation in there!)
Body Fat: My scale gave up trying to calculate this! 🙂
BMI: 18.3 (down .5 from start)
5K Pace: 27.02 – down 3 minutes and 58 seconds from original trial. Woohoo!
Longest Run: 10k (6.2 miles)
Week 3 Stats:
Weight: 121.4 (Down 2 lbs. I didn’t bring my scale so this was taken just four days after last week’s weigh-in)
Body Fat: ?
BMI: 18.5 (down .3 in three weeks)
5K Pace: Didn’t do a timed 5k this week.
Longest Run: 8.76 miles (with a double jogger!). Admittedly, we did walk quite a bit, especially the hills
Week 2:
Weight: 121.6 (down 1.8 pounds in two weeks)
Body Fat: my scale has me at 18 feet tall this morning, so I’m guessing my body fat is off. Thanks Will.
BMI: 18.5 (down .3 in two weeks)
5k Pace: 28:59… a major achievement for me! Down 8 seconds from last week.
Longest Run: Capped out at 5.4 miles this week, .06 shorter than last week. Had I known this when I was running, I promise you I would have run an extra .06 miles. Grrr…
Week 1:
Weight: 123 (down .4 lbs)
Body Fat: 26% (up .8%)
BMI 18.7 (down .1)
5K Pace: 29:07 (down 1:37)
Longest Run: 5.46 miles
Beginning Stats:
Weight: 123.4 lbs.
Body Fat: 25.2% (as measured by scale, not that fat pincher device that gives me nightmares)
BMI: 18.8
5k Pace: 30:21 minutes
Most Single Distance Run in last 6 weeks: 5.1 miles
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