Administrative Assistant.
Short Order Cook.
Event Planner.
Park Ranger.
Um…. those are just a few of the paid gigs that I could come up with that moms do for free. So, naturally, whenever someone asks me what I do, MOM is enough. Right? Unfortunately, my little people don’t pay me for all of the services I provide them. Darn shame, I think. Which means, that yes, I qualify as a “working” mom. And so I’m gonna write about that today. But, I just want to make sure you understand that I know: every mom is a Working Mom.
If you happen to have a paid job for any additional services you provide throughout your day, however, there’s a great event in town (Charlotte, that is) that you may want to participate in: the 2013 Moms@Work Networking Breakfast hosted by Charlotte Parent Magazine.
Working Mom Status is truly a claim to fame in my book. Balancing the needs of children and home coupled with demands of bosses and clients, requires the skills of a tight rope walker. Lean to far one way and your mom-guilt ratchets into high gear. Lean to far in the other direction and you risk losing your job or respect from colleagues. Yes… Working Moms, like all moms, need support from comrades in the trenches. In this case, other working moms.
From the website:
Get a more balanced approach to your busy life at the 2013 Moms@Work Breakfast! Network, browse exhibitor booths, get to know the 2013 N.C. Family-Friendly Companies and receive inspiration from award-winning humor columnist and author Celia Rivenbark.
This year’s event also offers several breakout sessions covering topics like balancing home and career and meal tips for working moms.
I’m excited to attend this year’s breakfast and have two tickets to giveaway if you’d like to attend! Simply leave a comment and share what you find to be the toughest part of being a working mom. I’ll pick two winners randomly by end of business on Monday, September 23rd.
See you there Comrade!
i think the hardest thing for me is balance. Its something i struggle with everyday. As much as I enjoy working and having other responsibilities, it pains me to miss a daycare pickup, or miss bedtime some nights, or to have to log in to work from home on the weekends. I justify it by saying i work hard to give my family a good life, but i know at the end of the day, the only people who will care that i was working late are my kids.