Don’t miss this awesome Fitness Routines for Busy Moms! #Achieve15
The hardest part about trying to shed these final pounds of baby weight are everyone’s hardest parts: eating right and finding time to workout.
Sure, I’m motivated. I wanna fit in my jeans again. I want to wear a swim suit with confidence this summer.
And I actually don’t mind the effort of exercise. It’s nice to take some time for myself to do something just for me.
The struggle first and foremost is time. When the heck am I supposed to find 30 minutes to an hour every day to exercise. And then, shower and make myself presentable? Not so easy.
Then, the food. Most of that comes down to time again. Making a healthy meal for my family takes time. And then my food blogging and food-based client work doesn’t help either.
Excuses. We ALL have them. I’m am seriously trying to focus on not allowing myself to cave in on my goals because of them.
A few things are helping me stay on the straight and narrow that I thought I might share with you.
#1: Not giving up even when I do “fall off the wagon.” Being sick, insane work hours, and drinking too much one night doesn’t bode well for healthy eating and exercise, but when those days happen, I try not to let it steer me in the wrong direction all week.
#2: Holding myself accountable. I got away from sharing my weight here on this blog. It all started when the numbers started going up again. This process is so humbling, isn’t it? So I’m going to let you know: I’m back where I started, at 134. I hope to start making progress in the right direction numbers-wise soon, but in the meantime, I at least feel stronger.
#3: Mixing up my workouts. Since it’s been awhile since I’ve consistently exercised, my body gets fatigued easily. My Achilles tendon is acting up from my jaunts on the treadmill and after a personal training session, it feels like I paid to get hit by a bus. Not pleasant. So, I’ve been switching up my workouts daily to give different muscle groups a chance to recover.
#4: Finding new sources for inspiration. I’ve recently discovered this online resource: a free, one-stop fitness destination and rewards platform from Sears. Definitely check this out.
Through Fit Studio, members receive access to exclusive workouts, programs, and exercises, the ability to set fitness goals via the “goals center”, and the option to track fitness progress through the workout tracker and dashboard.
I’ve tried the Busy Mom Workout and Sandra’s Treadmill Challenge and felt sufficiently beat after both. 😉
Even better? To incentivize members to incorporate movement into their daily lives to get and stay fit, offers Points for Progress, a fitness rewards program so you can earn your way to a fitter self with some new fitness gear!
Looking to spruce up your fitness routine? Check out the #Achieve15 videos on the FitStudio youtube channel!
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