Be sure to pin these on the go snack ideas for later!
Since I work from home, I have the unique ability to create my own work schedule. Sure, I have to work a lot of regular office hours, but I try to spend some time with the kids in the afternoons, and then I’m working towards taking Fridays to be a full-time mom. This does mean, that on the weekends, I often have to work.
My husband is a champ about this. He’s frequently volunteering to take the kids on bike rides, hikes and canoeing trips. It’s awesome. I love that the boys get to spend alone time with their daddy, but it’s also nice to have a few quiet hours in the house to focus on work.
When they head out on these adventures I’m selfishly motivated to make sure that they are armed to the teeth with everything that they need so that they don’t have to cut their trip short and interrupt my pedicure very important client work. 😉
Diapers? Formula? Extra clothes? Books? Charged phone? Water bottles? Snacks? Seriously, getting the boys out of here requires a multi-page packing list.
Besides diapers, the most important thing on that list are snacks. Nobody likes a hungry toddler. And, my husband gets hangry when he’s not fed. But, if we’re being honest, don’t we all?
Because of this, I’ve got the snacking on-the-go concept down pat.
Whole grains. Plenty of protein. Fresh veggies. And a little of what we call “dip-it” to make the veggies worth eating.
Sure, one kid you gotta coax to eat the celery. The other one? Not super big on pepperoni off of pizza, but he’ll eat it if you make him. But, you know what they ALL love? Honey Maid Go Bites.
Sure, they’ve got the “cookie appeal,” but I feel better about giving Honey Maid Go Bites to my family as they have 7g whole grains and 5g of protein per serving. Should keep them full (and out of my hair) for awhile!
Have you tried Honey Maid Go Bites? Gotta admit, I’m digging the Vanilla flavored filling. Which do you prefer? Vanilla or chocolate?
I was selected for this opportunity as a member of Clever Girls and the content and opinions expressed here are all my own.
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