When Monday rolls around, I can slowly feel the stress mounting. My Type-A personality combined with looming deadlines, the never-ending to-do list and upcoming appointments make for a fun afternoon. 🙂
Just thinking about it makes my blood pressure rise! Know what I’m talking about? Then no doubt you’ve tried to find some ways to stem the stress. Sure, a glass of wine is awesome (when it’s after 5 o’clock somewhere), but when it’s mid-day and there’s work and kids and work and kids, it’s time to take a more helpful approach.
Here are five ways I’ve found to destress naturally. Especially those that are Type-A like myself!
Organizing a Small Space – The mundane task of organizing the junk drawer, pantry, mail bin or bill folder quickly eases the tension. Taking just five minutes to do some organizing helps me refocus and feel like I’ve accomplished something. I’m able to return refreshed and energized. With the added bonus of being able to find a sharpie when you need it!
Stepping Away – When my head is spinning, oftentimes the best thing to do is simply step away. Taking a breather with some of my favorite magazines provides a quick energy boost and often gives me inspiration for tomorrow’s dinner!
To-Do Lists – A fail-safe natural method for stress reduction is to simply get it out of your head. I’m the Queen of to-do lists and you’ll never find me without my trusty planner.
Homeopathic Remedies – A new to me alternative is RESCUE natural Pastilles, Sleep Liquid Melts and Pearls. They’re all natural with no side effects and are so convenient. I love that they’re non-habit forming. I found mine at Walgreens but you can find them wherever you buy natural products. Bonus: grab this coupon for use through April 4.
Exercising – If I have more than 15 minutes, you’ll definitely find me on the treadmill. And now that it’s finally warming up, you’ll start to see me walking outside, which is even better. Working out is one of my favorite de-stressing methods.
What do you do to manage stress in your day-to-day life?
I was selected for this opportunity as a member of Clever Girls and the content and opinions expressed here are all my own.
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