This post is part of a social shopper marketing insight campaign with Pollinate Media Group® and Huggies, but all my opinions are my own. #pmedia #HuggiesatKroger
When it comes to parenting, why re-invent the wheel? Here are five tips for detecting a pro mom and best practices that I’ve picked up from them along the way. Don’t miss #2!!
Am I a Pro Mom? Um, no. But, as a mom of three and as a friend to dozens of pro-moms, I know how to spot ’em. They are confident. They don’t get flustered. Their kids aren’t perfect, and they aren’t perfect, but they smile and get one with their day with admirable fortitude.
When I see these moms, I ask questions. I take notes. I openly stare. Here’s what I’ve learned.
5 Tips for Detecting a Pro Mom
#1: She’s ditched the diaper bag. A Pro Mom doesn’t take a weekender bag with her whenever she leaves the house. She has the items pared down to the essentials that she can easily tuck into her everyday-tote. She’s got a few diapers, a wipes clutch, and a bottle if necessary. She keeps everything else that she might need ready-to-go in her car so she doesn’t have to carry it around with her every day all day for the once-a-month blow-out situation.
Learning this was a “duh” moment for me! Why carry around back-up outfits that I very rarely use for every trip to the grocery store? I found this super-cute Huggies Wipes clutch that is perfect for wiping bums while on errands or sticky tables on date night, and I always am sure to have a Huggies diaper in my purse. Beyond that, my purse has stuff for me.
#2: She is frugal when it comes to diapers. This I learned about a year in with my first kid from a good friend of mine. Kids poop in diapers. You throw them away. They are very rarely seen. Why, oh why, spend extra money for something that gets urinated on? Nope. After learning that the budget diapers work just as well as premium brands, we’ve been buying Huggies Snug ‘n Dry Diapers. Perfect diapers at a great price for every stage, they have up to 12-hour protection, plus I can get them at my Kroger grocery store. Win.
#3: She shops consignment sales. Another frugal tip that I garnered from those who came before me. Kids items are used for such a brief period of time, especially in the early years. Buying baby gear is kinda like buying a brand new car. You lose money on it the second you walk out of the store with it. Instead, get a “like new” version and save yourself 70% of the price.
#4: She isn’t a short-order cook. This is one I’m working on, but could still use some practice with. A phrase that I’ve over-heard and would like to adopt when it comes to meal-time, “You get what you get, and you don’t get upset.” If they are hungry enough, they will eat it. It’s a tough one for me, but once mastered, I know will save me so much time, energy and gray hairs.
#5: She listens to advice then makes up her own mind. Everyone has advice on how you should raise your kid. The Pro Moms that I’ve seen always listen, they don’t contradict, but at the end of the day… they do what works for them.
Shop at Kroger during the “Baby Me” Event going on between 3/20/16 – 4/2/16 and spend $40 on participating baby items so you can receive a $10 off coupon good towards anything at Kroger. (while supplies last).
Do you know any Pro Moms? Or are you one? What tips have you picked up along the way?
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